50 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 INTERNATIONAL S outh Africa celebrates 25 years of democracy in 2019 This was a mile stone which also paved the way to a booming tourism industry In 1995 South Africa received only 4 5 million tourists contributing 1 7 percent to the na tional economy The number of international arrivals has tripled since then reaching 10 47 million in 2018 Taking the entire value chain into account the total contribution of the travel industry amounts to 9 billion euros or 3 per cent of the gross domestic product source World Tourism Organization Re cently tourism directly and indirectly sup ported around 1 5 million jobs 9 5 percent of total employment By 2028 the number is ex pected to grow to 2 1 million jobs The MICE sector also contributes increasingly to direct and indirect employment with trade fairs congresses and corporate events becoming ever more popular South Africa is ideal for incentives if only because of its magnificent landscape Safaris excursions to the wine growing re gion around Stellenbosch and other spectac ular options are possible This is where MICE tourism and normal tourism come togeth er 25 years after the end of apartheid South Africa has first class offerings and intends to significantly increase the number of tourist arrivals from Europe and other countries in the future South African Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom believes his country is well prepared for further growth Since 1994 ten UNESCO world heritage sites seven new na tional parks and three cross border protected areas have been created says Hanekom At 25 1 million units we offer a wide array of accommodation options They range from first class luxury hotels through charming bed breakfasts to hostels for backpackers South Africa also boasts a good reachability the minister points out More than 40 inter national airlines fly to South Africa in addi tion to our national carrier South African Air ways The safety of international guests was and still is an issue Potential MICE visitors often feel uneasy as a result Derek Hanekom underlines that these fears are being taken seriously The South African government is continuously working to make the country even safer This includes special plans for popular holiday regions including the use of 1 450 safety monitors At the same time he stresses that the tourist hotspots are safe in every respect They include the Kruger Na tional Park Table Mountain the V A Water front Robben Island and the Drak ensberg Mountains to name but a few and of course the event cen tres Minister Hanekom offers a positive outlook I am confident that we will lay the foundation for solid and sustainable growth in 2019 he emphasises My aim is to strengthen the cooperation be tween the public and private sec tors That would boost tourism and thus create the jobs the country so urgently needs South African Tourism is in charge of marketing South Africa world wide as a tour ist destination www southafrican tourism de SA SOUTH AFRICA Major factor for the country Tourism including MICE accounts for almost one in ten jobs in the rainbow nation And this figure is set to increase over the next few years Der südafrikanische Tourismusminister Derek Hanekom sieht sein Land für weiteres Wachstum gerüstet South African Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom believes his country is well prepared for further growth Ph ot o S ou th A fr ic an T ou ris m
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