tion with another organisation which cares for the disabled the Fu Hong Society We purchased cookies made by people with mental disabilities says Monica Lee Müller We serve them at coffee breaks for confer ences and meetings says the HML chief We also arrange a charity sale of the cookies at the staff canteen every year The Fu Hong Society is not the only organisation for the disabled with whom HML cooperates Other institutions include the ADA association which looks after the interests of artists with disabilities Their works of art are displayed at HKCEC in the conference room corridors and in the Congress Plus restaurant This gives the artists exposure to a large audience The other two organisations supported by HML are St James Settlement and Food Angel The former helps elderly people who are wheelchair bound and other people with disabilities Every year HML staff partici pate in a charity run organised by SJS points out Monica Lee Müller To date al most 18 000 kilos of unconsumed food have been donated to Food Angel Several events are hosted together with this organisation www hkcec com PB 46 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 International Federation of Exhibition Events Services N E W S IFES World Summit 2019 The Summit of Inspiration 26 28 June 2019 in Athens The IFES World Summit is the annual op portunity to bring the exhibition andevent industry together Participants will have the chance to meet colleagues from all over the world discuss new trends and find new partners to expand their international business The Summit of Inspiration is the brainwave in change architecture sustainability and economy From these four points of view the specialists give horizon widening insights in their key notes and workshops Furthermore the networking opportunities will comple ment Isabel Bardinet is known as a consistent ad vocate of developing relevant methods to analyze and promote meetings conferences and congresses This applies both economi cally and in terms of content This also in cludes the documentation of better meas ures for event results as well as the promo tion of the role of women in the MICE indus try She sums up her experiences and aspira tions in her presentation The end of the con gress Long live football clubs and 7 sense events Hosted by the Design Ambassador Vassilios Bartzokas some of Greeks most recognized architects and designer will inspire the audi ence with some of their recent projects Not a number architects projects range from space installation to urban planning design and the development of complex and non standard architecture In a motivating and appealing narrative based on a strongly anchored belief and val ue system that is expressed inside and out side the company Peter Economides deals with the associated turbulence in times of rapid change With changes in technology and the resulting rapidly changing expecta tions of consumers CEOs across all indus tries believe they urgently need to change the way they do business Set goals achieve and exceed What hap pens in our brain and how can we influence it These are the questions Dimitris Tchoulos asks in his lecture and gives a live demon stration of using his brain in a certain way by means of an interactive game Plus Is it now time for organisers to expand their presence in the service industry asks Jochen Witt Further information can be found at www ifesnet com INTERNATIONAL tion the company has attained the Caring Company logo It was awarded by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for 15 consec utive years of commitment in this field The latest CSR partner as mentioned above is the Little Life Warrior Society for children with cancer Thanks to this cooper ation the little life warriors can enjoy a spe cial treat on the second day of the Chinese New Year and on the National Day In the then fully booked HKCEC restaurants ta bles are reserved for the little patients and their families So everyone can enjoy the best view of the fireworks display over Victoria Harbour In addition there is a now annu al meal with a workshop which will take place in May this year 20 children were in vited to the last edition Our chefs tailored a healthy and nutritious meal for them says Monica Lee Müller And experienced pastry chefs demonstrated steps of making cup cakes HML Cares volunteers assisted dur ing the process Despite their illness the children enjoyed this very much and had a wonderful afternoon Lee Müller recalls Baking is also the theme of a collabora HKCEC Zu den CSR Partnern gehört der Verband ADA der sich um die Belange von Künstlern mit Beeinträchtigung kümmert HKCEC Other CSR partners include the ADA association which looks after the interests of artists with disabilities Ph ot o H M L
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