T hose who benefit from a flourishing business should ideally al so look after those who are not doing quite so well HKCEC em braces this honourable motto Over the years the venue s man agement company HML has been working very closely with four local charitable organisations They are our CSR partners points out Monica Lee Müller And we also teamed up with a fifth partner in 2016 adds HML s managing director These activities are supported by staff members Lee Müller refers to the HML Cares vol unteer team of staff and family members In fiscal 2017 18 HML s community work notched up 1 068 volunteer service hours In addi 45TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 Workshop mit der Little Life Warrior Society Erfahrene Konditoren zeig ten den Kids die einzelnen Schritte beim Herstellen von Törtchen Workshop with the Little Life Warrior Society Experien ced pastry chefs showed the chil dren how to make cupcakes HONG KONG Committed to a good cause Corporate Social Responsibility CSR plays a major role at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre HKCEC Ph ot o H M L
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