S trong financial reserves and a steady in come from gas exports give rise to a re silient economic development in Qatar This was the outcome of a recent analysis by the experts of Germany Trade Invest GTAI the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany The outlook remains bright according to the latest forecast published in February New in frastructure projects ramped up gas produc tion and the upcoming 2022 World Cup have boosted growth in Qatar Other organizations agree with this optimistic forecast The Inter national Monetary Fund expects Qatar s GDP to grow by 3 1 per cent in 2019 up from a projected 2 4 per cent in the previous year In view of these favourable figures in terest in trade fairs held at DECC has grown considerably As early as 2018 many events had already posted strong in some cases multiple gains This trend is set to continue this year In the second half of March the Qatar International Agricultural Exhibition AgriteQ was organised by the Ministry of Municipality and Environment in collabora tion with IFP With 434 exhibitors and around 40 000 visitors the number of suppli ers and buyers has more than tripled In its seventh edition the event served not least as a pacemaker to keep the agricultural sector up to date In this way this is an important pillar for achieving food security At the same time the fair highlights the competitiveness of Qatar s agricultural products Another as pect of AgriteQ and its accompanying confer ence was sustainable production through minimising waste of water resources im proving air quality and reducing emissions In addition to these rather technical and solution oriented products and services DECC also has space for beautiful things In the second half of February Doha Jewellery Watches Exhibition opened its gates The 16th edition of the watch and jewellery fair once again demonstrated its popularity Ac cording to the organisers it posted a total of more than 30 000 visits an increase of 28 per cent year on year The event grew even more strongly in terms of participation by an impressive 47 per cent Featuring over 500 brands from ten countries it occupied a total of 29 000 square metres An attractive trade show environment also includes good trans port connections and leisure options And there have been a lot of developments in re cent years Doha Metro will start its opera tions soon Mostly underground the rail net work connects the capital with the suburbs Once fully operating there will be also a di rect line between Hamad Airport and DECC including nearby hotels Another mega pro ject already opened at the end of March the new National Museum of Qatar dedicated to the culture heritage and future of the coun try Designed by famous French architect Jean Nouvel the huge building is inspired by a local desert rose www decc qa PB 27 INTERNATIONAL QATAR Outlook remains bright Be it capital goods services or luxury items Trade fairs at Doha Exhibition Convention Center DECC are certainly flourishing right now ker wuchs die Veranstaltung bei der Anbie terbeteiligung gleich um stolze 47 Prozent Die über 500 vertretenen Marken aus zehn Ländern belegten alles in allem mehr als 29 000 Quadratmeter Zu einem attraktiven Messeumfeld gehö ren auch eine gute Verkehrsanbindung und Möglichkeiten der Freizeitgestaltung Hier hat sich in jüngerer Vergangenheit viel getan Demnächst wird die Doha Metro in Betrieb genommen Das überwiegend unterirdisch verlaufende Bahn Netzwerk verbindet die Hauptstadt mit den Vororten Auch gibt es nach vollständiger Inbetriebnahme eine di rekte Linie zwischen dem Hamad Flughafen und dem DECC einschließlich der in der Nä he befindlichen Hotels Ein anderes Mega projekt öffnete schon Ende März das neue Nationalmuseum Katars das sich der Kultur dem Erbe und der Zukunft des Landes ver schrieben hat Dieses Großbauwerk wurde vom französischen Stararchitekten Jean Nou vel gestaltet und inspiriert durch eine lokale Wüstenrose www decc qa PB Neben den Messen mit technisch orientierten Lösungen finden auch die schönen Dinge Platz im DECC In addition to rather technical products and services DECC also has space for beautiful things Ph ot o D EC C
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