MPTFE PO UI QSJM 5IF SJHIU UP DIBOHF JT SFTFSWFE CZ VOHFYQP P UE 6Q UP EBUF FYIJCUJPO QSPHSBNNF JT PO PVS XFCTJUF 7J96E HI 6aWZgi ghV i AZiiZgh 7jYVeZhi ED7 E dcZ Vm c d jc Zmed j HDOWK DQG 0HGLFDO 7HFKQRORJ KLELWLRQ DQG RQIHUHQFH 52PDVK 32 OQVU o BDIJOF o PHJTUJD 5 3 5 0 03 3 5 4 08 RPH PDNLQJ KLELWLRQ DQG DLU QWHUQDWLRQDO 7UDGH KLELWLRQ IRU XWRPRWLYH QGXVWU 6XSSOLHUV QWHUQDWLRQDO 9HKLFOH 0DLQWHQDQFH QGXVWU KLELWLRQ QWHUQDWLRQDO HDXW QGXVWU 3URIHVVLRQDO DLU QWHUQDWLRQDO JULFXOWXUDO JULFXOWXUDO 0DFKLQHU 6KRZ XQJDULDQ DUGHQ DLU QWHUQDWLRQDO 7UDGH DLU IRU 9LWLFXOWXUH DQG LQHU LVKLQJ XQWLQJ DQG UPV QWHUQDWLRQDO KLELWLRQ QWHUQDWLRQDO RDW KLELWLRQ QWHUQDWLRQDO 7RXULVP KLELWLRQ 53 7 QWHUQDWLRQDO XLOGLQJ 7UDGH KLELWLRQ DLU IRU 20 PDNLQJ QWHUQDWLRQDO KLELWLRQ IRU 5HQHZDEOH QHUJLHV QWHUQDWLRQDO QGXVWULDO 7UDGH KLELWLRQ 6453 4 I ndeed the results are quite impressive In 2018 site operator and organiser Hungexpo posted sales of HUF7 9 billion the equivalent of 25 million euros Year on year this is an increase of almost 30 per cent Three new trade fairs which were launched at the Hungexpo site contributed to this success Home Design HungaroMed and Beauty Style As the affiliate of GL events reports the debut events were extra ordinarily successful and promising In 2018 over 450 000 visitors attended the more than 90 own and guest events at Budapest s largest event centre Around 3 000 compa nies presented their events All in all the venue was open for events for 301 days In addition to traditional trade fair busi ness there was also a boom for meetings in the Hungarian capital including both corpo rate events and association conferences One of the largest US pharmaceutical companies held its seminars at Hungexpo The half yearly event took place on 30 000 square me tres across three halls Around 2 100 dele gates from 33 countries took part Moreover the 15th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health ESC came to Budapest with over 1 500 del egates from 86 countries And then there was EuroSkills Budapest 2018 which occupied the whole area of Hungexpo six halls and an event tent with nearly 60 000 square metres of covered space in total Almost 100 000 vis itors came to the Danube for the European Championship of Young Professionals Until 2021 extensive infrastructure ac tivities are on Hungexpo s agenda Starting this spring the halls will be modernised and the area enlarged by two pavilions with 13 500 square metres In addition an existing hall will be transformed into a conference centre This will enable Hungexpo to cater better to the flourishing conference business in the future Despite these measures table tennis fans cracked down on Hungexpo for the World Table Tennis Championships in April as planned The upcoming European Renal Association European Dialysis and Transplant Association Congress ERA EDTA should also be largely unaffected Over 9 000 physicians are expected to attend the four day event www hungexpo hu PB INTERNATIONAL HUNGARY More space for more events Hungary s leading trade fair company Hungexpo looks back on a successful 2018 And it wants to continue in the same vein Modernisation and expansion are in the cards for 2019
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