April after receiving a welcome email They are then able to browse through the list of IMEX exhibitors and make appointments which they do simply by clicking the Make appointment button Their request is sent to the exhibitor directly When visitors receive a confirmation of their appointment they can contact the ex hibitor complete a profile for the appoint ment and if they wish add a request for a quotation This puts the exhibitors in the po sition of being able to prepare for the meet ing before the trade fair That in turn im proves the quality of the discussions at the exhibition stand For the IMEX organisers an appointment is a 30 minute conversation with an exhibitor They advise buyers to aim for eight appointments a day In addition group appointments are organised for buyers who want to attend exhibitors presentations Some exhibitors plan presentations at fixed times for which visitors can al so register These give visitors the opportunity to discover new ideas and travel destinations The login system has now taken on significant importance for IMEX It is now a key com ponent of the annual MICE in dustry show as the numbers from last year s event confirm Almost 69 000 appointments were arranged at IMEX 2018 What s more visitors need not worry that they will be inundated with emails and mar keting messages after making contact with exhibitors Measures have put in place to pre vent this exhibitors may only contact prospects through the online login system and there is a limit on the number of mes sages they can send Visitors receive all these messages in the inbox on the trade fair s web site rather than in their own email inbox www imex frankfurt com PB 14 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 Association Day the day before Association Day takes place on Mon day 20 May the day before IMEX Thehost and sponsor is Messe Frankfurt The event gives association planners the opportunity to focus on three different ar eas ASAE ICCA and MCI have created an interactive programme together with Messe Frankfurt Participants will attend learning labs focusing on leadership imagination and knowledge They will be able to choose elements from each of these three different areas and put togeth er a programme tailored to suit their own in terests All the content is designed to facili tate learning through practical examples pre sented by experts and engaging with other participants The aim is to provide them with new ideas that can be implemented directly The ASAE Leadership Lab for example will help participants to develop their manage ment and people management skills The ICCA Imagination Lab will consider event planning business development and collab oration from a creative viewpoint Festivali sation is one of the major trends that will be examined at the MCI Knowledge Lab with the help of case studies Strategies for maintaining commercial partnerships and sponsorship will also be presented Partici pants will then get the opportunity to share examples of best practice The after noon programme will finish with a round table discussion In the evening partici pants will be able to meet other industry experts at the Association Evening at the Frankfurt Marriott Hotel Organisiert werden auch Gruppentermine für Einkäufer die an Ausstellerpräsen tationen teilnehmen möchten Group appointments can also be organised for buyers who want to attend exhibitor presentations Ph ot o IM EX
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