Trade Fairs International DAS WIRTSCHAFTSMAGAZIN FÜR MESSEN UND EVENTS Heft 4 erscheint am 19 November 2018 TradeFairs Internation al 3 2018 5 FOCUSCONTENT U nd d ar au f s itz t d er k lu ge K op f ww w ki ef er m ie tm oe be l d e De nn in u ns er em ru nd 90 0 M öb el u nd Z ub eh ör um fa ss en de n So rti m en t f in de n Si e ga ra nt ie rt da s Ri ch tig e fü r di e Au ss ta ttu ng Ih re s Ev en ts M ie tb ar a uc h on lin e un d in Ec ht ze it P r o b i e r e n S i e e s a u s 90 IFES News 92 IELA News 96 Service Partner 98 Backstage 98 Imprint COLUMN 9 UFI in St Petersburg Breaking down barriers 14 Russia We are open to the world 17 International exhibition centres Stockholmsmässan floors the competition 20 International exhibition centres Advance online tours 23 Guest events Vape meet up in Europe 25 Expo 2020 German pavilion adopts educational theme 27 IELA in San Francisco Digital fever is ablaze 29 TFI Know how What trade fair services does it make sense to outsource FOCUS 32 South Africa There s an appetite 34 South Africa Confidence in the future 38 Turkey Optimism at Tüyap 42 India Korea Dawn of a new era 46 India A dynamism you can feel 52 Malaysia Growth of up to 110 percent 54 Thailand Certified event venues 59 Indonesia Full house easier access 62 Singapore Green events 68 Hong Kong For nature and the ocean 70 Hong Kong Gateway to the Delta region 75 China Forerunner on many fronts 78 Japan Shikata ga nai in the trade fair industry INTERNATIONAL 82 Rental exhibition furniture Creative edge 84 Stand construction Design 100 per cent Italy made in Hong Kong 86 Stand construction Design Travelling through time and space 91 Stand construction Design Highlights from the first half of the year 95 Stand construction systems Biomorphic forms ad infinitum PRACTICE Messebau Design 100 Prozent Italien aus Hongkong Stand construction Design 100 per cent Italy made in Hong Kong Ph ot o T FI Ph ot o M ilt on E xh ib its 83 Schwerpunkt Asien Special Asia41

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