T he primary focus of the German pavil ion will be sustainability Entertaining and surprising haptic and digital the exhibits will present German innova tions and solutions in the field The campus is a place of knowledge research and personal exchanges in line with the theme of Expo 2020 Dubai Connecting Minds Creating the Future Here s how things will run when everything gets going on 20 October 2020 While the visitors wait for admission they ll go through matriculation entering their first name country of origin and preferred lan guage at a terminal They ll receive a name tag to use for as long as they remain in Cam pus Germany Inside sophisticated technolo gy will ensure that everyone has their own highly individual experience of the exhibition During the introduction in the Welcome Hall the scientific basis of the German pavilion will be explained Welcome to the Anthropocene age the human age Creative director Andreas Horbelt of the agency facts and fiction who is responsible for the exhi bition s concept explains the approach be hind Campus Germany In Dubai we want to show that humans don t just have a de structive impact on the planet we also have useful skills and abilities he says Thanks to our intelligence and creativity we can move things in a positive direction again if we as the Expo theme suggests connect minds and join forces On their way through Campus Germany visitors will pass through the Energy Lab the Future City Lab and the Biodiversity Lab As people go through this curricu lum they will be able to develop into spe cialists experts and finally luminaries Those who master the three topic areas will be taking a decisive step towards sustainable living The exhibition responds surprisingly individually to each visitor and his or her personal interests Behind all this lies Iamu an intelligent assistance system that will ac company visitors unseen through the exhibi tion Iamu will be making its world premiere in Dubai in this kind of application The Expo site will be divided up into three themed areas Opportunity Mobility and Sustainability The German pavilion will be located in the latter It was a conscious decision to place the emphasis on sustain ability The energy transformation was con ceived in Germany and scientists business people and large swathes of German civil so ciety are committed to a sustainable future says Dietmar Schmitz head of the depart ment for trade fair policy and Expo participa tion at the Federal Ministry for Economic Af fairs explaining the logic We want to take this message to Dubai As commissioner general he is responsible for the German pavilion With Campus Germany the Ger man pavilion in Dubai is addressing an issue that is written large and well supported in the region education The pavilion s mes sages are not supposed to be too complicat ed on the contrary they are designed to be clear and easily understood Anyone can take part and at the same time feel part of a wider community PB 25 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 2018 EXPO 2020 German pavilion adopts educational theme Germany will be presenting itself at the upcoming Expo 2020 in Dubai at Campus Germany The concept was presented at the beginning of September Dietmar Schmitz 5 v r die Arge Deutscher Pavillon und die für den Be trieb verantwort lichen Macher der Koelnmesse Dietmar Schmitz 5th from right the German Pavilion consortium and the responsible mana gers of Koelnmesse Ph ot o K oe ln m es se
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