B ermuda was the setting of last year s 35th edition of the yacht race from the end of May to the end of June Panexpo from Worpswede near Bre men travelled to the heart of the island para dise with its crystal blue water and lush sandy beaches We accompanied our cus tomer BMW to Cross Island says Matthias Beyer managing director of the international logistics firm The consignment consisted of several 20 and 40 feet containers plus flat rack containers and various airfreights In total the event notched up around three hundred 40 foot containers all that in addi tion to racing boats plus equipment and their crews It was a huge challenge for the small island and all those involved in a short peri od of time points out Beyer For Panexpo the complex tasks started with organising sea and air transport from Germany to Bermuda This included the han dling of customs clearance for these ship ments In fact you are not allowed to load 40 foot containers bound for Bermuda Matthias Beyer describes the extraordinary situation Normally shipping companies al so reject such shipments However an ex ception was made for the America s Cup Hamilton Harbour had to accept the arrival of 40 foot containers at the cargo docks But that was not the end of the problem The harbour does not usually provide an ade quate infrastructure for containers of this size having hardly any storage capacities nor enough loading equipment Not even ten transport chassis were available for moving all of the containers Despite these odds workable solutions were found for the event All cranes fork lifts and similar equipment were ordered from the USA reports Matthias Beyer We rented our equipment in New York and shipped it to Bermuda For the duration of the major event all 40 foot containers had to remain on the island which entailed ex tremely high storage costs After the event the containers were again moved away in an unusual manner using floating barges from the sea side Matthias Beyer s conclusion Good teamwork of all parties involved at the venue their helpfulness and logistical ex pertise made a great participation by BMW possible www panexpo de PB 96 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 TRADE FAIR EVENT LOGISTICS Conquest of Paradise The America s Cup is the oldest sailing regatta held to this day Staging it in unusual locations requires a maximum level of expertise and flexibility kapazitäten zum anderen gibt es nicht ge nug Ladeequipment Für die Abtransporte al ler Container standen weniger als zehn Transport Chassis zur Verfügung Diesen Widrigkeiten zum Trotz wurden gangbare Lösungen für die Veranstaltung ge funden Sämtliche Kräne Gabelstapler und ähnliche Ausrüstung sind aus den USA geor dert worden berichtet Matthias Beyer Un ser Equipment haben wir aus New York ge mietet und zu den Bermudas verschifft Während der Laufzeit des Großereignisses mussten sämtliche 40 Fuß Container auf der Insel bleiben was mit extrem hohen Ver wahrungskosten verbunden war Auch der Abtransport der Container nach Veranstal tungsende erfolgte in unüblicher Weise mittels schwimmender Ladungsbehälter über die Seeseite Gute Teamarbeit aller Beteilig ten vor Ort die Hilfsbereitschaft und das lo gistische Know how haben eine großartige Teilnahme von BMW möglich gemacht lau tet das Fazit von Matthias Beyer www pan expo de PB Die Showbühne für die 35 Auflage des Segelwettbewerbs bildeten die Bermudas Bermuda was the setting of the 35th edition of the yacht race PRACTICE Ph ot o P an ex po
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