sonnel For us quality and people take prior ity What challenges does digitalisation present to IELA members among them selves And what can the IELA do as an association to help them meet these challenges Elizabeth Niehaus IELA executive officer We currently have 165 members in 55 countries Each country has different standards and consequently different IT solutions That is why our network is so important offering a place in which to meet others and a discus sion platform The industry is undergoing a transformation affecting the people struc tures and processes involved in it IELA members organisers and exhibitors are all having to adapt to this As an association it is our duty to face up to the challenges of our times and help our members to adapt to the coming changes At our annual IELA Con gress we address ed very important issues Safety and Security in Dublin in 2016 for ex ample and Service in Prague in 2017 In 2018 San Francisco and Silicon Valley will offer the ideal surroundings in which to ap proach the subject of Digitalisation Roland Kreitmayr The different legal frame works in different countries have a huge im pact on the processes Moreover there are still no standards in place enabling efficient data interchange with our partners around the world Vincenzo Scrudato I don t see any particular challenges arising from digitalisation In stead it is becoming even more evident that the changes currently taking place represent obstacles and risks Different quality stan dards and codes of conduct are just two ex amples of this A standardised interface for data interchange would be a desirable goal for example and the IELA could play a role here as a mediator What do customers expect these days Vincenzo Scrudato That everything should be easy fast reliable good and cost efficient www dhl tfe com Roland Kreitmayr A comprehensive hassle free service that s quick and easy to use Good advice rapid flows and return flows of information whether that s for quotations order acknowledgements awards of con tracts tracking or invoicing And customers these days expect a 24 7 service Despite dig italisation the focus in our industry remains on people A personal presence on site is therefore still indispensable This gives cus tomers organisers or exhibitors the sense of security and confidence they need www db schenkerfairs de TFI Many thanks to all of you In order to strengthen networking and world wide partnerships in trade fair logistics the industry gets together annually at the IELA Congress Partnering Event In 2018 it is tak ing place from 21 to 26 June in San Francisco www iela org 91TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 Vincenzo Scrudato Geschäftsführer DHL Trade Fairs Events Vincenzo Scrudato managing director DHL Trade Fairs Events Ph ot o D H L PRACTICE
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