goods at trade fair centres and have had nothing but good experiences it has also been well received by customers What advantages does digitalisation bring Roland Kreitmayr Digitalisation brings many advantages in trade fair logistics not just for exhibitors but for organisers and freight for warding companies as well As far as cus tomers are concerned both the clarity offered by tracking and the new forms of customer service that are now possible are clear advan tages Organisers get the support of flexible professional logistics partners who can re spond quickly when unforeseen changes oc cur whether these are changes in the weath er or changes to security provisions These adjustments to processes can be made quick ly and easily using the electronic systems We are constantly faced with new challenges as a result of having to handle increasing volumes in less and less space because logistics space is being reduced for exhibition space Howev er digital processes such as electronic advice notes electronic order management truck or forklift control systems electronic customs clearance and tracking help us to implement simpler more efficient processes and faster information streams Vincenzo Scrudato First and foremost we focus on our customers We always ask our selves the same question how can we make our customers more successful With this as our guiding principle we find solutions that our customers not only really appreciate but also make good use of in order to let us know their requirements quickly and easily spend more time on their core competency and thus be more successful We at DHL have been using digital solutions in our in ternal processes for years now and we also offer digital solutions for order processing with customers in order to make everything as clear as possible and ensure the highest possible level of user friendliness For us there is another big advantage we can ac cess our systems wherever we are and thus benefit from these innovative systems when we are at trade fairs for example Are there also disadvantages Roland Kreitmayr A lot of investment is re quired to maintain the systems keep them constantly updated and ensure they can com municate with the existing systems of trade fair companies and suppliers for example It s a very dynamic situation and the shelf life of the systems and networks must always be considered when investments are made Vincenzo Scrudato Of course every innova tion brings with it dangers and risks There is always a downside as well every innovation is associated with certain risks Anyone who ignores this or is naive in their approach risks a great deal We have had effective processes and safety latches for years that give us virtually total protection against most dangers so the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages We do not shy away from making investments in technology and per 90 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 Die Digitalisierung hat unsere Arbeit bis hin zur letzten Meile geprägt stellt Vincenzo Scrudato von DHL fest Digitisation has influenced our work down to the last mile says Vincenzo Scrudato DHL Ph ot o D H L PRACTICE
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