MARKENINSZENIERUNG WELTWEIT WWW KECK WORLD F or 2018 the government in Hong Kong is expecting economic growth of three to four per cent This is more or less on the same level as last year when Hong Kong s economy expanded by 3 8 per cent The Special Administrative Region is the world s seventh largest export economy Its MICE sector benefits from trade and a generally favourable development as the managers of AsiaWorld Expo point out Steady growth is forecast for trade fairs con gresses and events due to the positive eco nomic mood Tourism support also helps Hong Kong Tourism Board has a budget of around 23 5 million euros for 2018 19 It is to be used to implement a series of develop ment strategies that will benefit the destina tion and event venues AsiaWorld Expo s business has almost tripled in recent years With the support of various government ini tiatives it wants to continue on this auspi cious path Hong Kong s MICE business is increas ingly stimulated by possibilities resulting from the One Belt One Road infrastructure project A new food fair at AsiaWorld Expo this summer will reap the benefits of this cross continental project Belt Road Inter national Food Expo will take place from 27 to 29 June Its organisers point out that the new Silk Road covers almost two thirds of the world s population For AsiaWorld Expo its function as a gateway to China also plays a major role In future this ought to spawn more regional conferences and trade fairs tar geting the connectivity to Mainland China Soon the MICE sector is to be further boost ed by the official inauguration of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge This gigantic construction project will bring the region around the Pearl River Delta much closer to gether Around 13 per cent of Chinese GDP is generated in the Greater Bay Area The bridge is soon expected to achieve a 1 hour commute and reach over 66 million people In anticipation of this the managers of AsiaWorld Expo have already signed a col laborative agreement with Zhuhai Conven tion and Expo Bureau The mobility drive is expected to generate new joint meetings The inauguration of the new Express Rail Link INTERNATIONAL HONG KONG New bridgehead economy Two gigantic national and international infrastructure meas ures are ushering in a new era at the Pearl River Delta This ben efits AsiaWorld Expo which is right at the heart of the action
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