A ccording to the Macao Statistics and Census Service precisely 1 381 MICE events were held in Macao last year And the number is still rising equalling an increase of 8 2 per cent The at tendee figure even saw a bit more growth by 10 4 per cent to around 1 9 million In the rankings of the International Congress and Convention Association ICCA Macao rocketed up 42 places within a 5 year time frame According to the 2016 Asia Pacific City Ranking Report the destination in the Pearl River Delta ranked 17th The exhibition mar ket was equally buoyant during this period as UFI figures go to show Net space sold nearly tripled from 2012 to 2016 rising to over 215 000 square metres These results are gist to the mill of Macao s government which wants to diver sify the local economy Its focus is on non gaming industries Continuing public and private sector investments in economic di versity serve one goal to create a more sus tainable economy for the long term in line with the Macao government s policy to give priority to the convention industry The MICE industry is a major success factor as it puts Macao on the international business map Private players are currently investing in massive infrastructure developments Macao already boasts more than 190 000 square metres of exhibition and meeting space There are over 37 000 hotel rooms in the city and the number is expected to fur ther increase to 50 000 in the next few years as more international hotel groups continue to expand The Macao Trade and Investment Promo tion Institute aka IPIM abbreviated from the Portuguese coordinates and supports MICE activities They include trade fair participa tions in Asia but also in Imex shows in Frankfurt and in Las Vegas The focus is on event planners Moreover IPIM has launched two subvention programmes for trade fairs and conventions aiming to attract more in ternational events to Macao The pro grammes cover many event expenses such as accommodation F B keynote speakers transportation etc subject to certain crite ria such as duration and minimum atten dance being met In addition IPIM engages in online and offline promotional activities as well as the recruitment of Conference Am bassadors in China and elsewhere This is to attract events from various in dustries and sectors from the medical indus try IT F B luxury goods through research and technology to tourism education avia tion and a lot more As an added advantage meeting facilities and hotels in Macao are of ten on the same site or within walking dis tance This was the recent experience of one Mr Zhang the organiser of a large annual conference for a medical company with over 10 000 attendees as IPIM reports Even the first tier cities could not offer sufficient hotel capacities near the venue for an event of this size The venues for conventions and exhibi tions were frequently far apart Mr Zhang was pleased to find a completely different sit uation in Macao which was very convenient for both the organiser and the attendees www ipim gov mo en PB 65TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 INTERNATIONAL MACAO Priority to the convention industry In recent years the MICE sector has seen a remarkable boom in the Special Administrative Region And this development is ex pected to continue Dynamisches Veranstaltungsgeschäft Letztes Jahr wuchs die Zahl der MICE Events in Macau um über acht Prozent auf 1 381 Dynamic events business Last year the number of MICE events in Macao saw a more than eight per cent increase to 1 381 Ph ot o IP IM
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