TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 5 FOCUSCONTENT U nd d ar au f s itz t d er k lu ge K op f ww w ki ef er m ie tm oe be l d e De nn in u ns er em ru nd 90 0 M öb el u nd Z ub eh ör um fa ss en de n So rti m en t f in de n Si e ga ra nt ie rt da s Ri ch tig e fü r di e Au ss ta ttu ng Ih re s Ev en ts M ie tb ar a uc h on lin e un d in Ec ht ze it P r o b i e r e n S i e e s a u s 79 Indonesia Boosted by inward investment 81 Singapore Effects of digital transformation 84 Korea An app rich in functionality INTERNATIONAL 100 IELA News 126 IFES News 128 Service Partner 130 Backstage 130 Imprint COLUMN 9 20 years of TFI Message of Greeting from Minister Peter Altmaier 11 20 years of TFI How our job has changed 16 20 years of TFI Our first decade 23 20 years of TFI Our second decade 28 German fairs abroad Ticket to difficult markets 32 Imex in Frankfurt Using the strengths of the local economy 36 Imex Congresses Centrally located 38 Imex Congresses Vying for new customers 41 Congresses Events Ad hoc marketing analysis FOCUS 43 Hungary Food on the table 45 Poland More exports more wealth 47 Poland How shows are organised 50 South Africa Shining silver lining 54 Qatar Strong trade fair growth 58 India The country s secondlargest exhibition centre 62 China Armed with an app 65 Macao Priority to the convention industry 70 Hong Kong Smart with the latest technology 74 Hong Kong New bridgehead economy 77 Indonesia More international outlook INTERNATIONAL 88 Trade fair logistics The digitalisation of processes 93 Trade fair logistics Juggling mammoth projects 96 Trade fair event logistics Conquest of paradise 99 Trade fair logistics What are the benefits of AI 102 Trade fair logistics Good planning rapid responses 105 TFI Know how Where and how does digitisation serve event logistics 107 IFES World Summit Support for acting globally 110 International stand design Stand designers push the boundaries 112 International stand design A feel for cultural differences 114 International stand design A reputation that shines 118 Stand construction suppliers Luminous walls charming displays 121 Stand construction suppliers Systems that inspire 123 Stand construction suppliers Textile dimensions 126 Stand construction suppliers Down to the last detail PRACTICE 116 Messebau Zulieferer Strahlende Wände charmante DisplaysStand construction suppliers Luminous walls charming displays Ph ot o S ym a

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