Berus managing director of Ptak Warsaw Ex po The concept requires the presence of many film stars It is always a big challenge to get celebrities to actually appear and take part in all the activities arranged for fans Staff are kept busy not just with prepara tion but also during Comic Con itself Final ly there is the logistics for all the film stars and visitors to be taken care of In addition there are the extraordinary circumstances as sociated with this event well over 40 000 fans over three days some of them scream ing waiting around and gripped by a longing for attention On top of that there are the everyday procedures involved in the exhibi tion that have to be managed We have dozens of companies exhibiting at Comic Con reports Berus These companies ex pect to be provided with everything they need in order to exhibit and they expect the organiser to take care of the visitors admis sion controls and much more besides Just as with B2C events it is critical to identify and attract the right people to B2B trade fairs Ultimately these buyers and con ference delegates are the key to the success of the exhibitors careful selection of visitor target groups facilitates business activity and is therefore expected One very recent exam ple is provided by the international trade fair Warsaw Pack which came to an end on the first day of March Because this packaging show is a B2B event we devote a great deal of attention to the accompanying confer ences explains Zaneta Berus In addition the exhibits presented at a capital goods show also have to be handled properly Challenges present themselves when large machines have to be exhibited It is critical that they are delivered in good time and han dled well by the freight forwarders Once the doors open at the start of a trade fair like Warsaw Pack other things take centre stage Then it s about directing streams of visitors and delegates through Poland s largest trade fair centre In addition there are receptions to be held and VIP guests to be looked after All of that has to run smoothly asserts Berus The key to suc cessful trade fairs she believes is good plan ning and drawing up check lists in advance Another important element is working with suitable service companies and your own technical department stresses Zaneta Berus who is an experienced trade fair profession al Good task allocation to staff is also worth mentioning she adds Nothing is left to chance the staff at Ptak Warsaw Expo are trained to handle both the expected and the unexpected challenges they will face in practice There is internal training for this called academy of trade shows On the one hand people practise and learn the basics explains Berus At the same time more demanding activities such as ne gotiations or dealing with difficult customers also feature in the training Based in Nadarzyn south west of Warsaw the trade fair company currently has almost 300 em ployees They are led by the hand within the various trade fair project departments so that they can watch their experienced col leagues at work and observe how to run things professionally on an everyday basis www warsawexpo eu PB 48 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 INTERNATIONAL Warsaw Pack Bei der Durchführung von Fachmessen sind die richtigen Fachleute zu identifizieren und anzulocken Warsaw Pack When staging trade fairs you need to identify and target the right professionals Ph ot o P ta k W ar sa w E xp o
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