ş 2FWREHU ş 2FWREHU QWHUQDWLRQDO 9HKLFOH 0DLQWHQDQFH 7UDGH KLELWLRQ QWHUQDWLRQDO HDXW QGXVWU 3URIHVVLRQDO DLU ş 2FWREHU KLELWLRQ DQG DLU IRU RPH 0DNLQJ ş 2FWREHU HDOWK DQG 0HGLFDO 7HFKQRORJ KLELWLRQ ş 2FWREHU QWHUQDWLRQDO 7UDGH KLELWLRQ IRU XWRPRWLYH QGXVWU 6XSSOLHUV 7J96E HI 6aWZgi ghV i AZiiZgh 7jYVeZhi ED7 E dcZ Vm c d jc Zmed j 8S WR GDWH H KLEWLRQ SURJUDPPH LV RQ RXU ZHEVLWH ORVHG RQ UG SULO 7KH ULJKW WR FKDQJH LV UHVHUYHG E XQJH SR R WG 87801 81 32 7 216 H ungexpo CEO Gabor Ganczer aptly describes the transformation of agri culture You no longer need to put your smartphone or tablet away when you go to work On the contrary these de vices are essential professional tools nowa days because the digital world has reached farming The Hungarian minister of agricul ture Sandor Fazekas took a similar view at the opening ceremony of the AgroMashExpo farming technology show in Budapest at the end of January He claimed that digitisation will influence not only agriculture machinery manufacturing but also the future of farming He added that agriculture was about to under go a technological paradigm shift In the past year the Hungarian farming industry upped its investments in advanced technologies by 20 per cent The hallmarks of the Hungarian agri cultural sector are a dynamic growth and technological development according to Hungexpo Hence the almost 47 000 visitors showed a great interest in the offerings of the approx 350 exhibitors at AgroMashExpo Just like farming activities such as hunt ing and fishing share a close bond with na ture This theme is covered by FeHoVa in Bu dapest which celebrated its 25th anniversary in mid February Not only due to its 55 000 visitors the parties involved see a growing in terest in these two primordial human activi ties This new popularity also encourages politicians to attempt to bring a prestigious event to Budapest Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen reaffirmed the govern ment s commitment to winning the bid for the World Exhibition on Hunting and Na ture It was already staged in the Hungarian capital back in 1971 and would if all goes well return in 2021 exactly 50 years later The event would then be held in three loca tions Hungexpo Hatvan Hunting Museum and Budapest Zoo The produce of farming and spoils of hunting or fishing ultimately end up on the dining table As we all know the way to a wo man s heart is through the stomach Trends in food processing bakery and con fectionery gastronomy and packaging were presented by more than 300 exhibitors at Sirha in early February The third edition of the Budapest spin off of the Lyons fair has al ready become the second largest event of the Sirha network www hungexpo hu PB HUNGARY Food on the table Together they sold 100 000 square metres three recent Hung expo fairs dedicated directly or indirectly to food AgroMashEx po FeHoVa and Sirha met with a great response INTERNATIONAL
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