ESTREL CONGRESS CENTER BERLIN TELEFON 49 0 30 6831 22225 SALES ESTREL COM WWW ESTREL COM Das Estrel Congress Center ist das größte und modernste Kongresszentrum in Berlin Mit 25 000 Quadratmetern Veranstaltungsfläche bietet es Platz für bis zu 12 000 Besucher CONGRESS BERLIN ESTREL sized cities now tend to see their size as an opportunity rather than a disadvantage That has to do with the increasing moderni sation of city centres asserts Greg Oates ex ecutive editor of SkiftX As well as with rap id industrial development and the demand for reasonably priced diverse unique desti nations he argues 17 cities were included in the study Albuquerque Belfast Brisbane Bristol Calgary Hamburg The Hague Mon terey Nashville Newcastle Portland San Antonio Raleigh Stuttgart and Victoria With just a few exceptions all these host cities will be exhibiting in Hall 8 at Imex in Frankfurt The study is the foundation stone of a new partnership between Skift and the Imex Group One objective of this partnership is to enrich the training and further education for mats at Imex fairs and contribute content to the platform discussions Visitors to Imex 2018 around 10 000 are expected will benefit from this www imex frankfurt com The study entitled The rise of Midsize Cities in the Meetings Industry Report can be downloaded from Skift free of charge www skift com PB FOCUS Die messebegleitenden Aus und Weiterbildungsformate im Rahmen der Imex sollen weiter gestärkt werden The professional education and trai ning sessions at Imex are to be further reinforced Ph ot o Im ex
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