be noticed Further psychological support is provided by eliminating barriers This applies in particular to trade fairs in the more dis tant hardly accessible markets Many small companies would find it difficult to succeed abroad on their own they need assistance For 70 per cent of the participating compa nies technical and organisational support is one of the main reasons to exhibit within the framework of the Foreign Trade Fair Partici pation Programme says Marco Spinger head of global markets and IT at AUMA Who knows how to order a water connec tion at the booth in the local language In addition around 85 per cent of the compa nies at the German group stands have fewer than 500 employees Many of them frequent ly lack the manpower or dedicated depart ments to handle foreign trade fair participa tions The budget for the Foreign Trade Fair Participation Programme has remained quite constant over the last few years In 2018 it will amount to 42 5 million euros An investment that also pays off for the Ger man government from a fiscal perspective as it boosts export activities However this sum cannot fulfil all wishes There is a long list of 330 to 340 trade fairs a year says Marco Spinger Ultimately there has to be a discus sion process with the aim of identifying what areas should take priority In the end major cuts are made For the current year the Fed eral Ministry of Economic Affairs is planning almost 250 participations Of these 101 will take place in South East and Central Asia 51 of them in China 38 participations have been earmarked for the Near and Middle East Other hotspots include Russia 33 North America 26 Latin America 20 and Africa with 14 German participations www auma de Both the organisation of foreign trade fair participations and their technical and finan cial handling have been assigned to so called implementing companies 23 of these com panies can apply and one contract is award ed for each fair The main selection criteria are the financial proposal and experience in the respective host country When selecting the implementing companies the price is no longer the sole criterion says Andreas Beck er In recent years the quality of German 28 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 S mall and medium sized enterprises are the most important target group SMEs can participate in group stands the German Pavilions Pub lished by AUMA the Foreign Trade Fair Par ticipation Programme AMP provides a list of fairs in which the Federal Republic of Ger many is involved The events are selected on the recommendation of export focused asso ciations the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad diplomatic missions and the partici pating ministries Applications are pre exam ined by AUMA Managing director Peter Neven describes the procedure Twice a year some 50 associations meet in the work ing group for trade fairs abroad In the two working group meetings the Foreign Trade Fair Participation Programme for the follow ing year is then discussed and adopted Peter Neven lists the very practical ad vantages of German group stands at events abroad As a solo exhibitor with nine square metres of space a small company would be overlooked he points out But a larger presence under the Made in Germany label with say 300 square meters will definitely GERMAN FAIRS ABROAD Ticket to difficult markets Germany s Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture help German companies par ticipate in fairs abroad Für 70 Prozent der Unternehmen ist die technisch organisatorische Unter stützung ein Hauptgrund mitzuma chen sagt Marco Spinger For 70 per cent of the companies tech nical and organisational support is one of the main reasons to participate says Marco Spinger Ph ot o A U M A Deutscher Pavillon auf der Analitica Latin America 11 in Sao Paulo German Pavilion at the Analitica Latin America 11 in Sao Paulo Ph ot o N ür nb er gM es se
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