W hen we celebrated the tenth anniversary of Trade Fairs In ternational in early summer 2008 the world stood at the brink of a new era A few months later a far reaching event occurred In mid September the US bank Lehman Brothers went bankrupt making the global public aware of the financial crisis The global economy was on the brink of collapse and months later the stock markets crashed The year 2009 was a very challenging one for exhibiting companies and fair organisers Today we know that the crisis has been overcome for the time being although humankind has obviously become no wiser Banks continue to pay billions in bonus es in fields of business that are not profitable So poor results con tinue to be rewarded and the next crash may only be a matter of time Significantly the UFI Summer Seminar took place in Thessaloni ki Greece in June 2008 In retrospect the national carrier Olympic Airlines inability to take all participants to the destination was a pre cursor an early warning sign of the looming euro crisis Shortly thereafter it was not only the run down Greek airline but the entire state that sent out SOS signals Thanks to the favourable financing terms offered by EU membership the state had been spending more than it was earning for many years Greece is certainly the most ex Messe Sinsheim GmbH Neulandstraße 27 D 74889 Sinsheim 49 0 7261 689 0 49 0 7261 689 220 info messe sinsheim de www messe sinsheim de P E SCHALL GmbH Co KG Gustav Werner Straße 6 D 72636 Frickenhausen 49 0 7025 9206 0 49 0 7025 9206 880 info schall messen de www schall messen de Messen und Ausstellungen 2018 2020 2018 2019 2020 7 Stanztec Fachmesse für Stanztechnik 23 25 06 2020 CongressCentrum Pforzheim 6 Stanztec Fachmesse für Stanztechnik 19 21 06 2018 CongressCentrum Pforzheim 26 Fakuma Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung 16 20 10 2018 Messe Friedrichshafen 27 Fakuma Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung 13 17 10 2020 Messe Friedrichshafen 37 Motek Internationale Fachmesse für Produktions und Montageautomatisierung 08 11 10 2018 Messe Stuttgart 17 Faszination Modellbau FRIEDRICHSHAFEN Int Messe für Modellbahnen und Modellbau 01 04 11 2018 Messe Friedrichshafen 35 Modellbahn Internationale Ausstellung für Modellbahn und zubehör 15 18 11 2018 Koelnmesse nternationale odel lbahn usstel lung 35 14 Blechexpo Internationale Fachmesse für Blechbearbeitung 05 08 11 2019 Messe Stuttgart 7 Schweisstec Internationale Fachmesse für Fügetechnologie 05 08 11 2019 Messe Stuttgart 38 Motek Internationale Fachmesse für Produktions und Montageautomatisierung 07 10 10 2019 Messe Stuttgart 13 Bondexpo Internationale Fachmesse für Klebtechnologie 07 10 10 2019 Messe Stuttgart 12 Bondexpo Internationale Fachmesse für Klebtechnologie 08 11 10 2018 Messe Stuttgart 15 Optatec Internationale Fachmesse für optische Technologien Komponenten und Systeme 12 14 05 2020 Frankfurt M 14 Optatec Internationale Fachmesse für optische Technologien Komponenten und Systeme 15 17 05 2018 Frankfurt M 33 Control Internationale Fachmesse für Qualitätssicherung 07 10 05 2019 Messe Stuttgart 23 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 20 YEARS OF TFI Our second decade While the decade from 1998 to 2008 was one of new beginnings in the global trade fair industry the years that followed brought setbacks The environment became more challenging between 2008 and 2018 Barack Obama und Angela Merkel auf der Hannover Messe 2016 Barack Obama and Angela Merkel at Hannover Messe in 2016 Ph ot o D eu ts ch e M es se
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