the euphoria seems to have faded away The situation is similar in Russia where trade fairs also chased from record to record pri marily in the capital Moscow The global economic and financial crisis falling com modity prices lacking financing options and sanctions have put a stop to the upswing for the time being Before the crisis in 2008 Moscow s trade fair sector had seen a lot of construction and expansion activities The years from 1998 to 2008 will proba bly go down in history as the era when trade fair construction was at its peak Twenty years ago there were only few exhibition centres in Asia but now the number is around a hundred a few more or less de pending on how you look at it Especially in the People s Republic of China it seems like a new exhibition centre was built in every megacity But this was also a very busy phase in Europe A total of 800 000 square metres of hall space were built within a short space of time in Milan Moscow and at three trade fair destinations in Germany s Baden Württemberg region alone In addition to other new constructions numerous Euro pean destinations expanded their capacities Taking all of this into account the number of newly created square metres was probably something in the range of 1 5 million in Eu rope during the noughties PB 18 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 Birthday Greetings from EMECA European Major Exhibition Centres Association Dear TFI you have been covering the trade fairs and exhibitions market for 20 years what an achievement How many developments changes mergers ups and downs and dis ruptions new exhibition topics formats players and markets worldwide you re flected it all helped us to get a clearer pic ture and not to miss any of the news The major exhibition centres in Europe send you congratulations on this fabulous 20th anniversary and wish you many more exciting developments to report on in the future We look forward to reading your valuable news for many more years all the best Claude Membrez EMECA President Zum 80 Geburtstag der UFI treffen sich die Mitglieder 2005 auf dem Kongress in Moskau UFI members meet at the Moscow congress to celebrate the federation s 80th birthday in 2005 Canale Grande In Macau nimmt 2007 das Venetian feierlich den Betrieb auf Canale Grande The Venetian in Macao celebrates its official inauguration in 2007 Ph ot o T FI Ph ot o T FI

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