T he trade visitors at Agritechnica the world s leading trade fair for agricul tural machinery in Hannover were cer tainly in for a surprise Olympic beach volleyball medallists Kira Walkenhorst and Laura Ludwig awaited them at the Bridge stone stand How does this fit together Bridgestone is a partner of the Olympic Games The two athletes gave interviews and entertained the audience with their success stories They are ambassadors of a campaign that seeks to motivate people to fight for their dreams And trade fairs are ideal for providing inspiration Last but not least hardly any product has to move heavier and carry greater loads than the exhibitor s mega sized tractor tyres But how to attract visi tors The setting for this attention grabbing product show was the stand design by mac the trade fair expert from Langenlonsheim Proficiently staged exhibits lots of seats and a large hospitality area invited visitors to linger But one of the decisive factors for the exhibitor s success was a huge photo banner that surrounded the stand and caught the eye from afar Together with the walls it showed images of the tyres in tough working condi tions The company that was commissioned to create this eye catcher and other graphic details was the German Print Group GPG from Koblenz It has established itself as a producer of large format images GPG s cus tomised banners have been setting standards for years points out the client mac s man aging director Gernot Becker GPG uses some of the most high tech machinery in Germany to produce print and process large format textile banners Printing widths of up to five metres No problem for GPG Our specially developed DecoStretch Opaque fabric enables us to send even XXL sized graphics in handy card board boxes without crum pling or creasing This saves transport costs and assembly time Daniel Gutendorf cites just one of his company s in novations He is the founder and partner of the German Print Group The in house textile processing department pro duces all banners with absolute precision ac cording to specifications But GPG is more than just one of Germany s leading large for mat printers GPG also develops and makes the aluminium profile systems for its large banners itself including the accessories In house aluminium processing and CNC bend ing technology enables the creation of indi vidual and even unconventional aluminium frame constructions Our systems do not de fine the shapes on the contrary We can exe cute the designer s ideas with virtually un limited freedom of form be it for wall or ceil ing coverings room dividers or three dimen sional room sculptures says Daniel Guten dorf What this means GPG showcased its flexible construction possibilities at the Bridgestone stand in Hanover where mac s design proved to be very demanding Due to its distinctive shape and slanting sides the installation of the banner alone took one and a half days But enough time had been al lowed for this especially for the alignment Everything was ready on time and fit per fectly like a precise serve in beach volley ball explains the German Print Group s Daniel Gutendorf And thinking in Olympic terms like the exhibitor Bridgestone This was quite a sporting performance www gpg de JK 123TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 PRACTICE STAND CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIERS Textile dimensions Attention grabbing stand designs are the Koblenz based German Print Group s big forte Their large format banners catch the eye in all shapes and sizes Zusammen mit den Wänden bot das Segel verschiedene Darstellungen der Bridgestone Produkte im Arbeitseinsatz Together with the walls it showed images of Bridgestone s products in tough working conditions Ph ot o G PG m ac
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