PALEXPO INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AND CONGRESS CENTRE GENEVA LEADER IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT After you walk it it acquires a new life a third of our carpets are reused two thirds are recycled For you we always will be rolling out the red carpet before recycling it Palexpo SA T 41 0 22 761 11 11 www palexpo ch info palexpo ch Palexpo ternational In the early days of our medium communication with more remote markets was a laborious affair Interviews with inter national trade fair managers would often happen by fax questions being sent to them by that device The press department would translate them into their native tongue and send back the answers in English some time later also by fax Whereas photographs would arrive by post be it as paper copies or slides and sometimes iconic images The photos that landed on our editorial desks were quite a mixed lot While today it is digital images only we used to spend hours plying the scanner Research could be quite a colourful affair Especially when it came to international fairs and markets content was sparse and hardly available online unlike today Just like many countries lacked exhibition centres back then good sources of information were FOCUS 11TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 I n the late 1990s the success story of the Internet had already started This also had an increasing impact on our editori al work and the layout of Trade Fairs In 20 YEARS OF TFI How our job has changed TFI s birth year 1998 marked the turn of an era Since then the world has become in creasingly global and digital With repercussions not only for the trade fair industry but also for our magazine TradeFairs 3 4 Mai 2008 www tfi publications com 49788 10 00 In te rn at io na l JUB ILÄU MSA USG ABE 10 JAH RE TFI Focus Messepolitik Was die Messeszene künftig braucht International Spanien Iberischer Sommer mit Öko und Expo Praxis Messebau Zulieferer Alles im grünen Bereich Focus Trade Fair Policy What the trade fair scene needs in future Inter na tional Spain Iberian summer with eco and Expo Prac tice Stand design suppliers Everything green DAS WIRTSCHAFTSMAGAZIN FÜR MESSEN UND MÄRKTE Neues Outfit zum Zehnjährigen Seit der Jubiläumsausgabe 2008 erscheinen wir mit weißem Cover Makeover for our tenth anniversary Since our anniversary edition in 2008 the cover has been white
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