T he slogan for the IFES World Summit can also be understood as a kind of greeting to the host city and its famous skyline Chicago is one of the most important trade fair host cities in the USA emphasises IFES executive direc tor Uta Goretzky thanks in par ticular to McCormick Place its large trade fair and convention centre We wanted to hold our World Summit in the US again for the first time since 2001 and to put across the ideas of our in ternational association there Put simply those ideas are about being able to act globally in a globalised world As a network that spans the globe the IFES can help exhibitors and service providers to enter new markets a US customer that suddenly wants to exhibit in Shanghai Munich or Sydney for example or a customer from elsewhere that wants to participate in a trade fair in the USA IFES members from different countries are able to make con tact with each other and find partner companies to work with and that will certainly be hap pening at the summit in Chicago as well Another aspect is that they can exchange information and knowledge for example about the experiences they have had in different countries That s what Sustainable Starter is about the session with which the sum mit in the Windy City will be gin This will be followed by the induction of new members and the AGM The exchange of knowledge mentioned above is particularly important and may even be critical to survival in the complex and costly US trade fair market It is well known that ex hibitors are very limited in what they can do themselves at the leading trade fair venues Union members have to be hired for even the simplest tasks We will also be focusing on this issue in Chicago says Goretzky After all exhibitors will continue to be faced with this in future Will Daniels a lawyer with the law firm Laner Muchin will explain at the World Summit why the US system is like this why nothing is likely to change and how best to deal with it Glenda Brungardt who is responsible for trade fair appearances at Hewlett Packard will describe how the company copes with this situa tion and a representative of the unions will present the unions viewpoint But even within the EU where legislation is apparent ly harmonised there are some fundamental differences between the circumstances in different countries Many exhibition stand construction companies don t know for example that in France they have to register their em ployees says Goretzky They al so have to pay the French mini mum wage and comply with working hours legislation There is a huge amount of bureaucratic effort involved in meeting on line registration and storage obli gations That s why the IFES re cently discussed with the Euro pean Major Exhibition Centres Association EMECA how they might lobby together in Brussels www ifesnet com PB FÜR ALLE DIE ANSPRUCHSVOLLE AUFTRITTE LIEBEN WWW ISINGER MERZ DE TF ERFAHREN SIE MEHR UNTER WWW ISINGER MERZ DE IMPRINZIP MESSE EVENT SONDERBAU TECHNISCHE BERATUNG DESIGN PROJEKTSTEUERUNG HERSTELLUNG REALISIERUNG 107TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 PRACTICE IFES WORLD SUMMIT Support for acting globally The International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services IFES is taking place from 27 to 29 June in Chicago with a slogan of Reaching New Heights Cloud Gate bekannter als The Bean und links das Chicago Athletic Asso ciation Hotel der Austra gungsort des IFES World Summit Cloud Gate bet ter known as The Bean and on the left the Chicago Athle tic Association Hotel the venue of the IFES World Summit Ph ot o IF ES
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