ever gain approval for operations with a 45 tonne truck mounted crane at ADNEC There were 24 hours available for unloading un packing transfer to the exhibition hall and the precise positioning of the machines An Agility employee was on hand for the entire construction phase and during the competi tions as well in order to be able to react quickly and flexibly and handle all eventual ities Disassembly was another challenge be cause there was one day less available for it That put the already very tight work sched ule under additional pressure During disas sembly all the machines had to be packed into wooden boxes again and vacuumed air tight packing provides protection against corrosion at sea That is essentially a normal process but in view of the size of the ma chines and the short disassembly period it was also a time consuming one Consequent ly the schedule was adjusted to suit the cir cumstances and the teams were increased in size for the different steps involved They were thus able to work in multiple locations at the same time The last machine left Hall 11 at ADNEC fully packed and was stowed in its allocated container two hours before the final deadline www agility com PB PRACTICE Ph ot o A gi lit y Viele Container wurden auf das ADNEC Gelände geliefert Many containers were delivered to ADNEC
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