parliament is working on how to put in place a suitable legal framework For trade fair service companies and ex hibitors transparent processes stock reliabil ity and faster order processing are important factors enabling them to operate cost effec tively In the field of trade fair and event lo gistics there are digital solutions that can re lieve the pressure with lasting effect in the hectic construction and dismantling phases of an event web applications BI applications and software tools for administration pro motion customer campaigns customer rela tionship management and content manage ment for example The use of new technolo gies allows companies to better focus on the key production and logistics processes and gain valuable insights into how processes can be shaped more efficiently taking into account aspects such as the consideration of internal storage costs or storage costs at event venues as well They thus secure themselves an important competitive advan tage and are in a better position to face the future challenges of a digitalised world The Internet of Things IoT will revolutionise the way we do business in future The IoT is es sentially the growing network of devices sensors and so on that are linked to the In ternet It facilitates the creation of new busi ness models including within the trade fair industry www europfast com GS Güray Saritas is the managing director of Europfast an international carrier based in Neuhausen TradeFairs Internation al 2 2018 Ph ot o E ur op fa st Fairexpress Digital transformation Digitalisation is increasingly affecting all areas of life Regardless of whether you are talk ing about friendships or private communication says Christiane Roelfs managing direc tor of Bielefeld based exhibition freight forwarder Fairexpress A huge amount of com munication is now digital using WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Instagram and other channels And when it comes to shopping for food clothes or technology much of that is done digitally as well It is now standard for companies to use various social media channels Digitalisation also facilitates many work processes In the past we would have to use telex or fax but now messages can be sent all over the world within seconds reports Roelfs And that is no longer done just using PCs in the office smartphones and tablets are now used as well There are al so many advantages when it comes to trade fair logistics It used to be that original docu ments were required for international customs clearance for example but now a scanned colour copy of the document is generally good enough Documents can easily be amended and forwarded for further processing she adds Customs declarations for export or import are sent to the relevant customs office and processed digitally If the customs agent abroad needs further information on an exhibit it is easy to send a digital catalogue photographs or techni cal drawings However digital goods tracking comes up against its limits when you are ship ping to countries outside Europe explains Roelfs In such cases the trade fair logistics compa ny has to rely on personal contact with the partner company locally www fairexpress de Vollautomatisierte Lkw die sich vernetzen können werden vielleicht bald autonom eingesetzt Fully automatic trucks that can communicate with each other could soon be used autonomously N E W S Lead the future of logistics Make a career of making an impact The working environment changed number of young staff increases year byyear and sometimes there is a discon nect between the corporate world and the new generation that causes low employee engagement which negatively affects the bottom line The Generation Y Gen Z or sim ply Digital Natives do not strive for status as in the past but they seek a high degree of flexibility and self realisation in the working world nowadays Millennials are looking for a deeper sense of purpose in what they are doing at work The purpose itself defines the potential of the employees who will do everything within one s power if it matches their talent and personal expectations Especially in the exhibition logistics with its import export and customs procedures there are various positions by which you are in close contact with partners based in other countries or you might travel a lot and also have to master new challenges on a daily ba sis Now that the digitalisation of logistics is in full swing it is imperative that logistics companies align their education and train ing structures to this development Logistics companies must send a very clear message here to win the war for talents We are a promising industry in which you can grow We support you no matter where you come from and what you do Not just today but also in the future Logistics is a diversi fied industry which requires intercultural skills in spite of differences in language reli gion culture to work in an international en vironment but especially because IELA s member are more a family than just a net work Approaching the expectations of millennials in such an exciting fast moving industry with growth potentials and many job oppor tunities is not impossible The decisive ques tion is how non digital natives and millenni als can utilize their strengths to jointly move your business forward If you want to get know more about what the association and its members do please visit our website at www iela org or contact us at adminiela iela org 100
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