N E W S IELA means business Trade fairs exist by its exhibits No prod ucts to be presented no show Imagine your goods do not arrive on time or are damaged To have the right partner taking care of your exhibition investment is key On the other side consider how many contractors work hand in hand on your show site for a smooth operation during tight build up and dismantling schedule IELA members are proven professionals consistently devoted to providing com prehensive and responsive logistics solu tions for your business Over 190 IELA members operate in the care and safety of your exhibits and the success of your exhi bition IELA means business We are serious about Operational Excellence We are seri ous about serving well beyond expected standards in the global exhibition indus try This implies ongoing educational training units the Occupational Health Safety Guidelines shared with the industry in 2017 and the currently in process Secu rity Guidelines to be published this year IELA is much more than an interna tional network of exhibition event logis tics professionals working for your benefit It is a quality brand proving and boosting high level of service for exhibitors and or ganisers all over the world Making long distances short thanks to a powerful net work of reliable trusted partners through out the entire supply chain It s our duty to navigate organisers and exhibitors through unknown seas and roads You can always count on IELA Our responsibility is also about strengthening the collaboration and increasing the level of service for organisers and exhibitors We are working on new exiting projects like the Exhibitor and Organiser Portal awaiting you Stay tuned for further ad vanced features on the IELA website to en rich your knowledge If you want to get know more about what the association does please visit our website at www iela org or contact us at adminiela iela org Fläche und Fernwirkung Große monochro me Flächen auf Schwarz Weiß Basis boten den ruhigen Hintergrund für wechselnde gra fische digitale und modellbasierte Präsenta tionen und ein intensiv strahlendes Bran ding 15 bis 20 Messebeteiligungen jährlich im In und Ausland erforderten ein Bauprinzip das auch von der Hallendecke unabhängig ist weiß Jens Gliedstein Von passenden Abhängemöglichkeiten am Messeplatz kann nicht automatisch ausgegangen werden Als kreative Lösung entwickelten die Messedesig ner eine eigene Standdecke mit sprinkler tauglicher Lamellenstruktur und integrierter Beleuchtung Sie lässt sich nahezu beliebig erweitern und überbrückt selbst weite Stre cken freitragend Die Basis für die flexiblen und robusten Standbauten bildet das Messe bausystem Isi Design von Isingermerz Seine leistungsfähigen Metallraster ermöglichen es ungewöhnlich hohe und schlanke Bauwerke zu errichten Ebenso schnell wie sie erbaut werden lassen sie sich wieder zerlegen transportieren und einlagern Dass der Stand dabei wie aus einem Guss wirkt verdankt er seinen kundenspezifisch gestaltbaren Verklei dungs Möglichkeiten sowie dem Gespür un serer Kreativen resümiert der Marketinglei ter www isinger merz de JK 62 TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 PRACTICE STAND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN Customer journey in 3D From design to storytelling Some exhibitors literally use magic to inject their philosophy into the booth Or they take you to distant shores W hen flying becomes travelling this was the motto Lufthansa chose for its stand at the 2016 edi tion of ITB travel show in Berlin And it made a lasting impression recently winning the Design Council s German Design Award 2018 in the category Fair Exhibi tion The message of this presence was sim ple It s not just about flying Lufthansa wants to immerse the visitor in the whole Fresenius Kabi An Deckenhängern angebracht sind Marke und Claim von weitem sichtbar Fresenius Kabi Featured on danglers the brand and claim are already visible from a distance Ph ot o U ni cb lu e
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