Düsseldorf also staged its Interplastica trade fair for plastics and rubber in Moscow The exhibitors took part in the show who now expect post fair business to fill their order books Certain sectors in Russia receive gov ernment support making it easier to obtain production means They include mechanical engineering automotive aerospace elec tronics IT telecommunications chemicals and mining Petrochemical and industrial gas generation plants are being built for the pur pose of improving margins and supplies of raw materials www interplastica de For eign companies in various industries are like ly to benefit from this modest upswing Their business with the Russian Federation is now probably out of the worst as exports by Ger man mechanical engineering firms show Ex ports to Russia grew by 22 8 percent to al most four billion euros in the first nine months of 2017 as was reported by the Ger man Mechanical Engineering Industry Asso ciation VDMA However the VDMA admits that this is still a long way from previous trade volumes The World Bank also pours a little water into the vodka Although firming oil prices have boosted private investments in Russia espe cially in energy and transportation there are still some latent risks The World Bank sin gles out sinking oil prices geopolitical ten sions and possible new sanctions PB 52 TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 INTERNATIONAL Russia back at Green Week Is the freeze with Russia now thawing In January the world s largest country by surfacearea returned to the International Green Week in Berlin after a two year hiatus Export orientated Russian companies marketing foodstuffs from Siberia and central and south ern parts of Russia took part in the fair Products included cedar nut drops game delicacies rare fish as well as pine nut sweets and berries And a construction company selling lami nated timber houses wine makers and producers of mineral fertilisers and seeds for grow ing industrial plants were among the exhibitors In recent years Russian agriculture has be come one of the most successful sectors of the economy said Alexander Tkachev Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Now that our products are able to satisfy domes tic demand we are beginning to actively branch into export markets According to Tkachev Russia s non processed foods and high quality standards in every production phase offer good export prospects Covering around 1 000 square metres Russia s group stand was or ganised by the Russian Export Centre a branch of the Ministry of Economics The stand also housed a special matchmaking area for business meetings between Russian exporters sup pliers and foreign buyers www gruenewoche de Parallel zur Upakovka führte die Messe Düsseldorf in Moskau die interplastica 2018 durch At the same time as Upakovka Messe Düsseldorf staged interplastica 2018 in Moscow Ph ot o M es se D üs se ld or f
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