O ptimistic forecasts from the world s leading economists The World Bank expects the Russian economy to grow by 1 7 per cent this year It also fore sees similar growth for the next two years 2019 and 2020 The multinational develop ment bank cites firming oil prices as one of the reasons for the uptick In addition an ac commodative monetary policy and decrease of the inflation rate to only four per cent con tribute to this new momentum Lower mone tary depreciation has strengthened disposable incomes and boosted consumer spending Things are also looking up for trade fairs as demonstrated by the Upakovka 2018 packag ing show in Moscow at the end of January Organiser Messe Düsseldorf was delighted with the exhibitor response to the event at Expocentre More companies took part Ger many boasted a stronger presence than in previous years and the Italian pavilion also housed more companies than at the past Up akovka www upakovka tradefair com At the same time as Upakovka Messe 51TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 RUSSIA Foreigners anticipate upswing In view of encouraging signs and economic data for 2017 the Russian economy could make a recovery in the next few years Gute Stimmung Die Verpackungs messe Upakovka 2018 spiegelte den wirtschaftlichen Aufwärtstrend in Russland wider Good mood Upakovka 2018 packaging show mirrors the econo mic recovery in Russia Ph ot o M es se D üs se ld or f private Investitionen in Russland unterstützt besonders in den Bereichen Energie und Transport Andererseits seien Risiken weiter hin latent vorhanden Die Weltbank nennt ei nen sinkenden Ölpreis geopolitische Span nungen und etwaige neue Sanktionen PB
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