TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 5 FOCUSCONTENT Schweden Gesunder ökonomischer Rahmen Sweden Healthy economy Messebau Design Gestal tung die veranschaulicht Stand construction Design Illustrative design 55 Ph ot o S im on P au lin im ag eb an k sw ed en s e 42 U nd d ar au f s itz t d er k lu ge K op f ww w ki ef er m ie tm oe be l d e De nn in u ns er em ru nd 90 0 M öb el u nd Z ub eh ör um fa ss en de n So rti m en t f in de n Si e ga ra nt ie rt da s Ri ch tig e fü r di e Au ss ta ttu ng Ih re s Ev en ts M ie tb ar a uc h on lin e un d in Ec ht ze it P r o b i e r e n S i e e s a u s Trade Fairs International Ph ot o A te lie r D am bö ck 62 IELA News 64 IFES News 64 Service Partner 66 Backstage 66 Imprint COLUMN 11 Germany Digitisation customer benefits efficiency 18 Germany Digital trade fair themes 22 Germany Text only posts fail to appeal 24 TFI Know how How is facial recognition technology used for admission control at trade fairs and events 29 Events Locations Students mythical creatures and biodiversity FOCUS 32 UFI in Verona Making fairs future proof 36 Italy Moving and shaking 38 Austria In tune with the markets 41 Austria Multifunctional venues for corporate events 43 Sweden Healthy economy 46 Sweden 100 years of fairs in Gothenburg 49 Russia Riding the World Cup wave 51 Russia Foreigners anticipate upswing INTERNATIONAL 54 Stand construction systems Trainings in Germany and Belgium 58 Stand construction Design Illustrative design 62 Stand construction Design Customer journey in 3D PRACTICE DAS WIRTSCHAFTSMAGAZIN FÜR MESSEN UND EVENTS Issue no 2 is published on May 11 2018
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