360 degree animation projected onto the in ternal wall of the dome showing a constant ly changing digital virgin forest from day to night sometimes in sunshine and sometimes in rain uniting physical and virtual reality Every guest was able to add to the forest by interacting with it using an iPad selecting an animal then creating a texture and finally a specific colour code As soon as the animal was created it was released into the digital forest where it spent the rest of the evening Around 60 percent of the participants created their own animal TCS thus made contact with every single guest and positioned itself as a digital leader The company also planted a tree for every animal created in order to re generate devastated rain forests The project was re warded with the Bronze Famab Award in the Cross Best Interactive Installation category The jury loved both the charming way the entrant presented its digital expertise and the skilfully implemented in teractivity At the same the project discreetly drew attention to the threats to rainforests and biodiversity which are problems for the whole world And everything was em bedded in a highly aesthetically pleasing and flawlessly implemented overall concept www famab de PB 30 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 Transformation of the Famab Award Alittle bit of industry historywas made at the Forum amSchlosspark in Ludwigsburg at the end of November The cur tain fell for the last time on the presentation ceremony of the Famab Award and its 21 year his tory during which a total of 639 of the much treasured trophies were awarded The event also devel oped into an exclusive networking platform for the entire industry drawing professionals from the fields of trade fairs architecture and live communication to differ ent parts of the country It will be replaced by the International Festival of Brand Experience with Dortmund becoming the central meeting point for the industry and the home of the festival The first one will take place on 15 January 2019 The event will kick off with a convention the day before the trade fair BOE offering a variety of for mats with the emphasis on interactivity fo rums workshops and Bar Camp or World Café sessions Relevant industry issues and trends will be illuminated at these various sub events The presentation ceremony for the Brand Experience Award will be held in the evening in recognition of the best work done in the industry The familiar award formats of the initiators the Bea Award Famab Award Famab New Talent Award and Ina Award will be merged into one From the be ginning of 2018 interdisciplinary project groups will get together to work out the details of how it is all to be implemented That will in clude the formation of an advisory board for the convention and the specification of the award cate gories Our shared aim is that the International Festival of Brand Ex perience should become a mod ern platform for the industry says Famab managing director Jan Kalbfleisch This platform will have a strong focus on in teractivity and on providing content that represents added value for those who at tend he continues An international orien tation was also important to us right from the outset Ph ot o F am ab Pe te r J am m er ne gg JägerCampus Die Bewohner der studentischen Wohnge meinschaft bei einem gemein samen Ausflug JägerCampus The flat sharing students go off on a trip toget her Ph ot o J äg er m ei st er 07 11 L iv ec om
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