143 000 sq m 500 000 sq m 15 000 parking lots 3 100 000 coverage number of potential visitors HALL A 24 500 sq m HALL B 24 500 sq m HALL C 24 500 sq m HALL D 24 500 sq m HALL E 19 172 sq m HALL F 24 400 sq m Visit our website More than 30 Fair Events in 2017 6 modern halls Conference center Available from 2018 www warsawexpo eu WWW WA R SAW E X PO E U A V E K A T O W I C K A 6 2 0 5 8 3 0 N A D A R Z Y N P O L A N D 4 8 5 1 8 7 3 9 1 2 4 I N F O W A R S A W E X P O E U W A R S A W E X P O FAIRS CONFERENCES EVENTS Benefits The benefits of the technology become par ticularly clear when up to 1 000 people need to get into an event at the same time We know of no faster admission system current ly available on the market In addition to saving participants a lot of time the system also benefits event organisers in two ways it puts their participants in a better mood be cause they haven t had to wait to get in and it also saves organisers money because they need fewer staff and admission kiosks In ad dition admission is restricted to the person who originally registered for the event It is just about impossible for anyone else to cheat their way in or make use of false ID That is why this form of delegate identifica tion plays a significant role at security con ferences for example Possibilities We are still in the early days of using this technology but there are huge opportunities the journey taken by individuals through an event from admission to the workshops and panel discussions they attend and final ly to the exit can be recorded much more easily using a facial recognition system And not only does it eliminate the need for ses sion scans and the tiresome showing of badges at entrances and exits our technolo gy also gives the organiser precise data that can be used to personalise the event and make it more successful in future Facial recognition can also be integrated seamlessly into the doo event CRM system where all data is stored centrally Data protection Many people are increasingly concerned that any data they may have provided will be used to their disadvantage by third parties Our experience with the application in prac tice has been very positive so far Participants like using the facial recognition system and many people want to try it out However we do recommend taking a proactive approach to informing event participants about the sys tem We always make it very clear to them what happens to their data Accompanying measures like this significantly increase the acceptance of the application and overcome any prejudices or concerns people may have Nevertheless it is important that there should always be another option available to participants who are still sceptical about the application despite having everything ex plained to them Whenever facial recognition is not mandatory for an event which it may be for security reasons for example we offer a conventional admission option as well doo presented its facial recognition system for the first time in Germany in January 2018 at Best of Events International the largest German trade fair for event and expe riential marketing TFI KNOW HOW Expert Dr Michael Liebmann Managing director of Munich based company doo Contact michael liebmann doo net
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