M esse Dresden uses social media sites primarily to attract visitors to both its own events and guest events in Dresden We work with Facebook Twitter and Instagram to provide general information on events publicise competitions and allow people to form im pressions of trade fairs explains Antje An drich director of marketing We use YouTube to distribute promotional films and clips from trade fairs she continues We al ways do this as Messe Dresden None of the events yet have their own profiles or pages The emphasis is very much on images and videos on both Facebook and Twitter as well as Instagram These do a better job of gain ing attention We virtually never publish a post consisting of text only without an emo tional appeal stresses Andrich And we ex pect the emphasis to shift even further to wards videos in future Younger people in particular have an affinity with social media as do families ac cording to Messe Dresden This is evident from the toy fair spielraum the wedding fair Jawort and the health and sports fair ak tiv vital An informal writing style is gener ally adopted to address inform and entertain the target market Viral marketing shouldn t be underestimated observes Antje Andrich We find that both visitors and exhibitors promote certain events themselves or share our content as long as they can identify with it Andrich believes it is very important to be represented on social media sites with content that is both credible and easy to find Interested visitors can get the latest informa tion on Facebook and the other sites as well They also have the opportunity to engage with us says Andrich For all the events that we organise ourselves we work with event hashtags that make it much easier to share identify and look for relevant informa tion www messe dresden de PB 22 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 GERMANY Text only posts fail to appeal Social media marketing has gained enormously in impor tance including at Messe Dresden a trade fair venue aiming at the regional and national market Messe Friedrichshafen makes use of many channels Social media is also ex tremely important atMesse Friedrichshafen for promoting events to both visi tors and exhibitors We are re ally pushing this and taking it very seriously says Wolfgang Köhle the head of communica tion We are positioned very broadly and so we make use of whichever channels are the best fit depending on what works for each individual trade fair he emphasises Facebook Instagram and Twitter each have a role to play Target groups with a greater affinity for social media are addressed accordingly This is particularly true of our exhibition Tuning World Bo densee says Köhle People used to talk a lot about word of mouth but for some time now the emphasis has shifted to viral marketing and influencers At Messe Friedrichshafen they have responded to this and make efforts to encourage interaction We come up with activities such as prize draws for tickets and products in order to get our target groups communicating with each other on social media stresses communications boss Köhle In many cases we ve been extremely successful with that www messe friedrichshafen de Besucher und Aussteller teilen von sich aus Inhalte beobachtet die Messe Dresden Visitors and exhibitors share content observes Messe Dresden Ph ot o M es se D re sd en Ph ot o M es se F rie dr ic hs ha fe n
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