Industry 4 0 was also the central focus at Nortec in Hamburg a manufacturing fair that celebrated its 30th anniversary at the end of January and offered much practice related information The fair showcased the latest de velopments in mechanical and production en gineering and digital services and the ex hibitors included not just established compa nies but also startups The concept behind the fair was based on a theme of 4 0 Prac tical Guidance for SMEs Visitors were given a quick but detailed overview of how state of the art production environments can be im plemented Opposite the Industry 4 0 special exhibition and the SME 4 0 centre of expert ise there was an area for startups Most of the startups exhibiting there were presenting digitalisation and software solutions but they also had 3D technologies and new approach es to metalworking to offer Only companies founded in the last five years were able to ex hibit in the Nortec startup area Companies majority owned by an established company or with more than 50 employees were not al lowed www hamburg messe de At the trade fair E world energy water in Essen which has just taken place the number of exhibitors in the Smart Energy area has been growing markedly for a num ber of years Many manufacturing companies telecommunications and IT companies polit ical organisations and other players in the in dustry were there presenting sustainable ef ficient intelligent solutions for energy gener ation storage distribution and consumption Other themes included the effective network ing and management of electricity generators and storage systems the digitalisation of measurements and solutions for smart cities There was also a smart city theme reflect ing its growing importance for the future Dig ital solutions are transforming the energy in dustry and becoming increasingly user friend ly In recognition of this the Digital Energy Award was presented to the best develop ments in the field of digital solutions The aim was to find exciting innovative and dis ruptive solutions in three categories firstly solutions that are particularly customer friendly making life easier for the user sec ondly digital solutions that permit new sus tainable business models partnerships or oth er collaborative arrangements and thirdly developments that simplify processes through automation improved process effi ciency or agile organisational development for example www messe essen de PB B ei der Messe Dresden werden die ent sprechenden Portale vorrangig für die Besucherwerbung von Eigen und Gastveranstaltungen genutzt Wir arbeiten mit Facebook Twitter und Insta gram um generelle Veranstaltungsinforma tionen Gewinnspiele und Messeeindrücke zu publizieren erklärt Antje Andrich YouTu be nutzen wir zur Verbreitung von Imagefil men und Messeclips erläutert die Leiterin Marketing Dabei veröffentlichen wir die Beiträge immer als Messe Dresden die ein zelnen Veranstaltungen haben momentan noch keine eigenen Profile oder Seiten Ge nerell wird dabei neben Instagram auch auf Facebook und Twitter sehr bild und video lastig gearbeitet Dadurch soll noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit erzielt werden Einen rei nen Textbeitrag ohne emotionale Aufladung gibt es auf unseren Profilen so gut wie nie betont Andrich Für die Zukunft ist abzuse hen dass noch mehr Video Beiträge in den Vordergrund rücken werden Besonders jüngeres Publikum zeigt sich 20 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 DEUTSCHLAND Niemals Texte ohne Emotion Das Marketing über soziale Netzwerke hat auch an einem regional und national orientierten Messeplatz wie Dresden enorm an Bedeutung gewonnen Ph ot o M es se D re sd en D an ie l G am m er l
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