IT Trans from 6 to 8 March in Karlsruhe will be focusing on the digitalisation of the pub lic transport Karlsruher Messe und Kongressgesellschaft KMK and the International Associa tion of Public Transport UITP are organising this leading in dustry fair for the sixth time Around 250 exhibitors from over 30 countries will be exhibiting their latest products and services in areas such as travel information fare management smart cards safety software systems and traffic management For the first time a self driving bus will bring IT Trans visitors from the entrance to the ex hibition hall It will then continue on a short demonstration route around the site The electric vehicle is being provided by the Swiss company AMoTech and is already in use on a trial basis at the com pany s site in Neuhausen am Rheinfall Our bus can take up to 11 passengers and travel at up to 25 kilometres an hour explains Do minique Müller managing director of AMoTech The Trapizio does n t have a steering wheel drives and stops autonomously but still re quires human supervision for the time being If the bus approaches unexpected obstacles or pedestrians it stops autonomously The re action time of these vehicles is shorter than that of a human reveals Müller www kmkg de Digitalisation is also making headway in the metalworking in dustry thus providing additional content for the next AMB the im portant metalworking trade fair taking place in Stuttgart from 18 to 22 September work is required on machinery interfaces to facilitate data exchange For Industry 4 0 the data obtained not only has to be recorded but also forwarded regardless of which manufacturer the ma chinery is made by Standardisation is the only way to achieve this This is the focus of Digital Way the new special exhibition and con vention taking place as part of AMB 2018 The German Machine Tool Builders Association VDW knows all about how important this is With its recently presented industry initiative the VDW has set out a concrete schedule for the standardisation of machinery interfaces The aim is to develop a standard for connecting a wide variety of ma chine controllers to a common interface and to implement it through software explains VDW chairman Heinz Jürgen Prokop AMB s tar get groups also benefit from this the customers because it enables them to link up heterogeneous machinery and the vendors because it facilitates sales www messe stuttgart de TTT JBPPB COFBAOF EPE CBK AB BPPBQBOJFKB P QS BO K PQ I QR KD BK Q K A RP WR D R P AB J BP PB MO LD O J J KA BO RK DB K RK A O D KW RK DB K SL O BE I QB K BOIFK P EOO A BPQFS IORKARJ EOO A KBRBRO KB L FIFQ QRKA BFPBK BO KPQ IQRKDPLOQ IRDE CBK BJMBIELC BOIFK OLRM O SBI UML FB BFQJBPPBCvOAFB RP ORMMBKQLROFPQFH JB EJBPPBCvOAFB KATBOHP O K EBK BQWDBO HBORKA PQOLKLJBK II LRQ RQLJ QFLK OFBAOF EPE CBK FB RQLJ QFPFBORKDPJBPPBFKABOFKQBOK QFLK IBK LABKPBBOBDFLK FBDOL B OvEG EOPJBPPB J LABKPBB LABKPBB FB BPPBCvO OQBKIFB E BO BRBP R K FB BPPBCvO REBOOBK JJL FIFBK BPFQWBORKA KBODFBPM OBO FB LROFPJRP BPPB J LABKPBB KQBOK QFLK IB BPPBCvO KDBIK IFBDBK P EBKRKA NR OFPQFH KQBOK QFLK IB EJBPPBCvO OTBO PL PQ R BPQFII QFLKRKA DO OQB EKFH KQBOK QFLK IB EJBPPBCvO IIDBJBFKB RCQC EOQ KQBOK QFLK IBP BPPB SBKQCvO RQL RKFKD FCBPQVIBRKA IR WBKB I PPF P BPPBCvOHI PPFP EB L FIFQ Q HBO FOB LABKPBB P SBKQORKARJP EBK vCQBIKRKA BPQ IQBK KQBOK QFLK IB J QBROCRKH RPPQBIIRKDJFQ IBHQOLKFH KQBOKBQ LJMRQBO RQ LLO ROLM FP EB RQALLO EJBPPB ROCvOABK EE KABI FOCUS 19TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 Auf der AMB 2018 in Stuttgart wird es wieder um die Vernetzung von Maschinen gehen Machine networking will again be in the spotlight at AMB 2018 in Stuttgart Ph ot o M es se S tu tt ga rt
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