make Cologne the European digital trade fair capital enthuses Koelnmesse CEO Gerald Böse The online marketing section of the BVDW described how much potential there is in its most recent report which was pre sented at the last dmexco According to the latest forecast the market for digital display advertising in Germany is growing at a rate of 7 percent Total advertising revenues are currently expected to amount to 1 91 billion euros www koelnmesse de The first Smart Country Convention Smacc which focuses on the digitalisation of administrative bodies and public services and has an accompanying exhibition is be ing held in the autumn Organised by Bitkom the German digital industry associa tion together with Messe Berlin the event will be taking place for the first time from 20 to 22 November The venue is CityCube Berlin and the adjacent trade fair centre The event revolves around the digitalisation of city and other municipal authorities and the public space as a whole The key areas of fo cus are digital administration energy and transport infrastructure and public safety The event will also look at the digitalisation of public services in the fields of utilities waste management education health and housing Smacc will show how administrative bodies and the public sector as a whole can be come more efficient and effec tive emphasises Bitkom presi dent Achim Berg Messe Berlin CEO Christian Göke also be lieves Smacc has great potential describing it as a must for any company active in this area and for anyone involved in digitali sation in administrative bodies public authorities or public sector companies www messe berlin de 18 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2018 T he Digital Marketing Exposition Con ference dmexco is already a classic in this sector This international platform for business and innovation in the dig ital economy will be taking place in Cologne from 12 to 13 September for the tenth time The show is organised by Koelnmesse with consulting and support provided by the Ger man digital industry association BVDW Last year around 1 100 exhibitors from 39 coun tries took part They presented their new products and innovations in the fields of marketing communications and media in six halls taking up over 100 000 square metres of exhibition space Nearly 41 000 trade visi tors took the opportunity to inform them selves about current and future trends in the digital economy Over 570 speakers spoke to big audiences on both days from the 18 stages at the dmexco conference In the last nine years we have managed with dmexco to GERMANY Digital trade fair themes The advance of digitalisation has led to the launch of numerous new trade fairs over the last decade Many established events have new sections with a digital theme Um die Industrie 4 0 ging es auch bei der Hamburger Nortec die Ende Januar ihr 30 jähriges Jubiläum feierte Industry 4 0 was also a focal topic at Nortec in Hamburg which cele brated its 30th anniversary in late January Ph ot o H M C Ro lf O tz ip ka
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