N O W O P E N F O Y E R M E S S E H A U S O S T www messe essen de F R E U T S I C H A U F S I E D I E N E U E M E S S E E S S E N M esse Frankfurt is investing in its digital services In total it s al most an eight digit sum says CEO Wolfgang Marzin We are pushing ahead vigorously with the introduction of digital applications also in our 30 sub sidiaries around the globe For Messe Frank furt benefits for the customer take priority and not so much the sales generated by digi tal products First of all cash needs to be in jected as Marzin s management colleague Uwe Behm tells us Investments in digital infrastructure are more or less compulsory they serve to professionalise the visitor expe rience The company is now working on the optional extras he explains pointing out business models that are now being devel oped Data utilisation is a conceivable possi bility but data protection laws need to be ob served Messe Frankfurt s latest investment was in revamping its Internet presence which is now being rolled out step by step at all events The exhibitor and product search en gines are being optimised Full service apps are now available for each of the company s own events and are being used increasingly Each user receives a personal login for direct access to the customer centre and cus tomised services The use of artificial intelli gence will probably be another exciting nov elty in future Messe Frankfurt launched a digital pilot project with voice assistant Alexa in November in tune with its universal theme smart solutions for mobility and lo gistics at Hypermotion www messefrank furt com Nuremberg also wants to invest heavily in the next few years We plan to spend four to five million euros a year on digitisation and IT says Roland Fleck At the moment we are laying fibre glass cables in our halls for example reports the CEO of Nürn bergMesse With myLocation Nuremberg already installed an electronic navigation and information system in 2016 It guides visitors through the halls with huge screens in cen FOCUS GERMANY Digitisation customer benefits efficiency Fair companies currently equate digital transformation above all with investing in their competitiveness On the other hand in house processes are also improved
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