A symmetric lines can look a bit irritat ing at first But they change perspec tives and attract attention By this means the Alpha Laser booth at Moulding Expo 2017 in Stuttgart stood out strongly from its neighbours The ceiling de sign was a clear break with the round or square principle It was based on the geo metric triangle shape of the company logo In addition it mirrored design elements of the exhibits distinctively shaped laser ma chines The floors and display areas were STAND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN From an unusual perspective Exhibition designers stage products and corporate designs But some of their booth designs create very distinctive accents in architecture and technology Trelleborg Unter der Projektionsfläche befanden sich Tische für verschiedene Branchen mit hinterleuchteten Produkt Präsentationen Trelleborg Under the projection space there were tables for various industries with backlit product presentations Ph ot o M es se ba u Sü d

Vorschau TFI Trade-Fairs-International 03/2017 Seite 97
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