und gerade bei technischen Messen auch Produktneuheiten offerieren Die Unterneh 76 TradeFairs Internation al 3 2017 A thriving startup scene really injects life into the local economy of large cities Hong Kong is just at the begin ning in this respect and cannot yet compare itself with London or Berlin But things are definitely happening Last year we identified around 2 000 startups in our city reports William Chui the regional di rector for Europe at the Hong Kong Trade De velopment Council HKTDC 28 of the company founders are from Germany In addition to favourable conditions for busi ness Hong Kong also offers access to the Chinese market That helps with both pro duction and sales Small and medium sized companies normally represent the HKTDC s core business But the dividing lines are blurred and today s company founder might easily become the boss of a medium sized company tomorrow provided he receives the required help to get the business up and running The HKTDC repeatedly comes up with initiatives designed to help the startup scene The second International Start Up Week was held in Hong Kong in May 2017 offering 15 events aimed at this target group And last year there was a startup zone at a trade fair for the first time A total of six trade fairs now have one of these the Hong Kong Elec tronics Fair Spring and Autumn editions HONG KONG Where entrepreneurs meet investors Anyone starting a company needs both support and attention That s why startup zones have been set up at six Hong Kong trade fairs INTERNATIONAL mensgründer treffen in den Startup Zonen nicht nur auf Fachbesucher und eigens ein geladene Medien hebt William Chui einen ganz besonderen Vorteil hervor Sie kom men außerdem mit Investoren zusammen Schließlich nützt die beste Geschäftsidee nichts wenn das nötige Kleingeld zur Um setzung fehlt Hongkong ist nicht nur ein at traktiver Platz um Produkte zu vermarkten schwärmt Regionaldirektor Chui Sondern ebenso um Finanzierungen anzuziehen Auf diesem Feld sehe es in der Siebenmillionen Stadt weitaus besser aus als etwa in Europa www hktdc com PB Die Unternehmensgründer kommen in den Startup Zonen auch mit Investoren zusammen betont William Chui Founders also meet investors in the start up zones emphasises William Chui Ph ot o H KT D C Die Standfläche ist klein aber für Newcomer ausreichend um Gespräche zu führen The stand space is small but sufficient for newcomers to engage in talks Ph ot o H KT D C
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