TradeFairs Internation al 3 2017 5 FOCUSCONTENT Hongkong Wo Gründer auf Investoren treffen Hong Kong Where entrepreneurs meet investors Messemietmöbel Nur Gutes und Echtes für den Stand Rental exhibition furniture Genuine and good quality for your booth 108 Ph ot o H KT D C 74 Ph ot o K ie fe r 98 IELA News 110 IFES News 112 Service Partner 114 Backstage 114 Imprint COLUMN 10 International exhibition centres Functionality takes priority 13 International exhibition centres New trade fair era in Warsaw 15 International exhibition centres 25 years of Polish trade shows 18 Guest events A single standard for all users 21 Guest events Constant element in the portfolio 25 Expo 2017 Changing the world with a smart stick 28 IELA in Prague Security comes at a price 31 UFI in Johannesburg Time for Africa FOCUS 36 Russia Out of the woods 38 Turkey Things change rapidly 42 Turkey Encouraging signs 52 India Business shifts gears 57 Singapore Events and convenience 61 Thailand Key sector for economic development 65 Malaysia Experts with tunnel vision 67 Indonesia We can accommodate growth 70 China Unusual now usual 72 China A shamrock for trade fairs 76 Hong Kong Where entrepreneurs meet investors 80 Hong Kong Enhancing the experience 82 Hong Kong Riding the K wave 85 Korea Expansion plans 88 Japan Mega event casting a shadow INTERNATIONAL 92 Stand construction Design The message in 3D 97 Stand construction Design From an unusual perspective 102 Stand construction Design For the customer with the customer 105 Stand construction Design Local knowledge international standards 107 TFI Know how How can exhibitors cut costs 110 Rental exhibition furniture Genuine and good quality for your booth PRACTICE DAS WIRTSCHAFTSMAGAZIN FÜR MESSEN UND EVENTS Beilagenhinweis Der Inlandsauflage dieser Ausgabe liegt eine Beilage unseres Kunden FAMAB bei Wir bitten unsere Leser um freundliche Beachtung
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