duced by Ravinder Sethi managing director of R E Rogers India who proved to be a charming and urbane moderator The speak ers also took questions from the audience Among the intensively discussed chal lenges was security which affects the sched uling of trade fair transport and construction and dismantling work and thus has a finan cial impact as well What is the best way to inform exhibitors of these changed circum stances Udo Schürtzmann of ITE India spoke of the necessity creating an awareness of this It must be explained why the securi ty level is now higher he said Essentially it s because the world has changed Torsten Heinze managing director of Czarnowski in Germany came up with an interesting com parison If you buy a ticket for a flight you pay extra for security Sometimes these secu rity costs are higher than the price of the ac tual ticket Every passenger is prepared to pay this additional cost security comes at a price There is actually no reason why that should be any different in the trade fair in dustry The IELA awards were presented again in Prague in recognition of outstanding work done by partner companies with which mem bers had worked in 2016 ELF Shipping of the United Arab Emirates was voted Best Domes tic Agent followed by La Rouxnelle of South Africa and JES of Hong Kong In the Best Ex port Agent category Interflow of Ireland came out top ahead of WEL of France and BTG of Switzerland The next IELA Congress the 33rd will be taking place in San Francisco from 21 to 24 June 2018 It will be followed immediately afterwards by the 7th Partnering Event which allows IELA members and non members to network with each other and will finish on 26 June www iela org PB FOCUS Netzwerken in Prag Networking in Prague Ph ot o IE LA
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