tribute to significant growth in those years when they come On the other relationships with regular customers have also had a posi tive impact The trade fair organiser Mack Brooks Exhibitions for example has expand ed its portfolio of events at our venue in recent years enthuses Pfeiffer The in house trade fairs of Sonepar Wessels Müller Stahlgruber and Edeka have become a constant element in our portfolio www messe muenchen de Axel Nissler director partner guest trade shows at Messe Frankfurt Venue at tributes the high double digit growth experi enced in Frankfurt to the venue s accessibili ty 62 percent of all intercontinental flights go via Frankfurt he points out Trade visi tors from all over the world can thus get to the events quickly and at a reasonable cost The city is also an important centre of popu lation in Germany 47 percent of Germany s population live within 200 kilometres He also cites the high standards and good avail ability of hotels in the immediate vicinity of the trade fair centre Frankfurt offers 15 000 hotel beds within walking distance of the venue Nissler sees Messe Frankfurt as more than just a venue operator in the future We are a strategic partner to event organisers The company acts as a solution provider and sparring partner offering cooperative models and options for market entry or growth he maintains This is the model of the future for leading trade fair companies with a glob al outlook asserts Nissler www messe frankfurt com Bernd Aufderheide president and CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress believes the huge growth seen in Hamburg is also a response to the city s status as a centre of in dustry Aerospace the life sciences renew able energies the maritime industry medi cine and medical equipment are clusters that receive particular support in Hamburg stresses Aufderheide That s reflected in the events held at the trade fair centre More over the quality of the various events is con stantly improving he believes These events have an impact of their own and bring addi tional attention to Hamburg Messe There is also the attractiveness of Hamburg itself to consider as well as the city s readiness to support events with a strong connection to the above mentioned clusters Aufderheide believes there are two trends of particular rel evance for the future Trade fairs are in creasingly developing into specialist events with very particular target groups that have to be targeted selectively The second factor is the trend towards eventisation At a time when information can be obtained at any time wherever you are personal contact and the creation of real experiences are tak ing on increased significance That leads Aufderheide to expect further strong growth in guest trade fairs in Hamburg www ham burg messe de KF 22 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 2017 HMC Chef Bernd Aufderheide Hamburg erwartet im Bereich Gast messen auch weiterhin ein starkes Wachstum Ph ot o H M C M ic ha el Z ap f People business Ralf Kleinhenz senior vice presi dent of Messe Berlin on guest events in the capital Where do you see the greatest potential when it comes to guest trade fairs We are seeing a particularly strong trend in itinerant international B2B trade fairs For example we have been able to attract the Federation of European Screen Printers As sociations FESPA Intergeo the confer ence and trade fair for geodesy geoinfor mation and land management and the Eu ro Attractions Show EAS How do you approach organisers This is a people business Our extensive network of personal contacts thus plays a central role However it s also important to keep coming up with persuasive new ideas This year for example we introduced a new event format the Messe Berlin Site Experience That involves inviting organis ers to the trade fair centre and showing them our various services and venues in action during an actual event We also ben efit from the outstanding marketing com munications work of our colleagues at vis itBerlin That brings us a constant stream of new leads Do you also try to promote weaker months when there are fewer trade fairs and do you offer significant discounts then We don t really have weaker months to any degree Of course we do get free slots which we can offer at lower prices depend ing on how short the notice is and the ex tent of the services required www messe berlin de HMC CEO Bernd Aufderheide Hamburg expects to post continued growth in the field of guest shows
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