S E R V I C E P A R T N E R Arbeitsbühnen Lifte Messebau Messebau Messebau Systeme Doppelstock Systeme Hotelvermittlung zu Messen Omni 55 panel fabric frames www aluvision com Limousinen Busservice 0 23 89 79 89 622 www boecker group com Mietservice für Personen und Lastenlifte 112 TradeFairs Internation al 3 2017 Hier fehlt Ihr Eintrag Ein ganzes Jahr lang für nur 58 mm x 25 mm Euro 550 He also develops products of his own which are part of Kopfstand s rental range And he attaches great importance to real designer furniture The number of fake classics like the Lem or Bombo bar stools is on the rise Or counterfeit Vitra or Fritz Hansen chairs to quote a few examples reports Wolfgang Sei dl The founder and managing director of Kopfstand Mobiliar is not just annoyed about the fake replicas He also points out a verita ble problem with product piracy When be ing imported or transported abroad fake fur niture can be confiscated at the border In most cases nothing happens because the customs authorities simply don t have enough time to inspect everything In addi tion copyright regulations differ from coun try to country explains Wolfgang Seidl But it s a matter of fairness to pay attention to intellectual property instead of to getting a cheap bargain Every year the furniture provider adds new models to its own product range In the new catalogue the Just range has been expanded by a bar stool couch and standing tables in a wide range of designs There is also the Tigo range featuring a lounge chair and two seaters with new frame designs and different colours and a match ing couch table for the Ray chair Further novelties include everything from chairs through armchairs two seaters and bar stools to side tables Of course all of these new additions are genuine designer items points out Wolfgang Seidl www kopfstand mobiliar de JK TRADEFAIRS der Spezialist für professionelles Hotelmanagement verwaltet attraktive und vielfältige Hotelangebote zu Messeterminen TRADEFAIRS com Tel 49 69 9588 1912 E Mail service tradefairs com website www tradefairs com Ein Produkt der DER Touristik Frankfurt GmbH Co KG Emil von Behring Str 6 60424 Frankfurt am Main PRACTICE Zechenstr 34 45884 Gelsenkirchen Telefon 49 209 1778 127 E Mail christian poell unicblue com www markenerlebnis de atelier damböck Messedesign Messebau www damboeck de Kopfstand Auch zum Ray Stuhl gibt es jetzt einen passenden Sitztisch Kopfstand There is also a matching couch table for the Ray chair
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