transportiert sei es von Ausstellern oder Dienstleistern Potenzielle Attentäter könn ten hier ansetzen Kontrollen seien wichtig allerdings gibt es bei Menschen und Waren bewegungen in solchen Dimensionen auch Grenzen Eines gilt unabhängig von den zahlreichen Fragestellungen um Sicherheit mega project meets practical re quirements and is fit for operation The Shenzhen centre will be a sin gle storey venue This is definite ly an advantage says Jochen Witt Due to its size this will mean longer walking distances says JWC s founder and managing director But the structure of the site will be easily accessible the former President of the global as sociation of the exhibition industry UFI singles out the orientation factor The structure in Shenzhen can be compared to a long road that goes uphill and downhill Not all events will fill the entire prem ises The challenge lies in utilising the halls in a manner to keep dis tances as short as possible for each fair The question whether an exhi bition centre should be a single storey design or not often de pends on the framework condi tions If the site for an inner city exhibition centre meets with space restrictions a multi storey con struction will offer a suitable amount of exhi bition space However sometimes people are just not aware of this as Jochen Witt ob serves In some cases it s simply incredible how much money goes into the master plans without even considering the topic of single storey design Double storey halls have a lower ceiling height cost more than single storey ones and a first class service cannot al ways be guaranteed Plus The floor on upper hall levels has a lower load bearing capacity Many a site that was built as a double storey construction in the last decade would no longer be built this way today believes Gerd Weber senior expert on master planning venue planning and efficiency at JWC Generally consultants can only make rec ommendations in the end it is up to the customers themselves whether they follow them or not In Shenzhen this has mostly been the case so far Recently the Chinese extended their contract with the Germans by two years Gerd Weber describes their collab oration using the conference area as an ex ample Originally they had planned to create two central conference centres for 1 500 peo ple But that s too small for an exhibition centre of this kind he points out The right size would be 5 000 seats in the largest hall The proposal of the Cologne based consult ants was accepted And now an additional ballroom is being built for 6 000 people In addition JWC recommended adding decen tralised conference areas between the halls These areas offer space for 500 people each and meet customer needs Hence several halls will have access to these decentralised meeting rooms at the same time this pro posal was also accepted Frequently exhibition centres are adapted to this at an early stage of construction Many 10 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 2017 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CENTRES Functionality takes priority When an exhibition centre is to be changed expanded or new ly built advice is key A job for Jochen Witt Gerd Weber and the team of JWC Logistik oder Besucherströme Jedes Messe gelände erfüllt seine Funktion nur über einen begrenzten Zeitraum Spätestens nach 40 Jahren muss kräftig Hand angelegt werden Dann schlägt wieder die Stunde von Jochen Witt Gerd Weber und dem JWC Team www jwc eu com PB I n Shenzhen the world s largest exhibition centre is now being born in two construc tion phases During the first phase 400 000 square metres of hall space will be built to be followed by a further 100 000 square metres in the second phase A Cologne based consultancy firm advises in vestors and the government to ensure that the Die Übersetzung am Ohr Jochen Witt kennt die weltweiten Herausforderungen für Betreiber von Messezentren Listening to the translator Jochen Witt knows the global challen ges for exhibition centre operators Gerd Weber Geländeerweiterungen oder Umbauten bieten die Chance zur Veränderung Gerd Weber Site expansions and conversions offer an opportunity for change Ph ot o J W C Ph ot o J W C
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