by Güray Saritas T ransport plays a major role in the process chain of the trade fair industry Hence green logistics is a focal topic for stand con struction firms which should be given priority and integrated consistently in their sustainability strategies Modern concepts that focus holistically on sustainability and proactively implement en ergy efficiency measures can pave the way to innovative processes For this reason cooperation models must be created within the trade fair and logistics industry that will lead to a new greener future There are many ways to make an event green and sustainable A creative and logistical implementation of important measures will help achieve that goal Exhibition logistics and stand construction firms need to take con certed action This will benefit both sides and help reduce costs In novative ideas need to be translated into concepts to make events even more attractive Most companies that are already taking action focus too much on individual measures Hence they fail to make eco logical sustainability part of their corporate strategy and to unleash their potential and initiate further changes There are many examples in SME distribution logistics that show the scale of possible improve ments Digitalisation offers new possibilities important insights can also be shared with the exhibition industry The use of modern telematic and surveillance systems in heavy duty commercial vehicles already enables us to reduce emissions eco nomically Modern software technology can present the identified processes in a uniform manner with monitoring systems providing ad ditional support The conceptual approach of green events can help stand construction firms effectively pinpoint the specific risks oppor tunities necessary action and potential optimisation measures For this purpose they need a professional logistics management that im plements measures to enhance ecological sustainability in a holistic manner www europfast com GS Güray Saritas is the managing director of Europfast Internationale Spedition in Neuhausen near Stuttgart 95TradeFairs Internation al 2 2017 PRACTICE TRADE FAIR LOGISTICS Green mobility solutions Climate neutral trade show booths make an important contribution to protecting the envi ronment As do innovative mobility concepts Moderne Telematik und Überwachungssysteme bei Lkw Transporten können den Emissionsausstoß unter wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen mindern Modern telematics and surveillance systems for heavy goods transport can help reduce emissions and keep things economical Ph ot o E ur op fa st
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