2016 was another successful year for SNIEC The operator was able to sell six mil lion square metres an increase of more than 15 per cent year on year As a continuing trend exhibitors are now expecting higher standards Not just in terms of quality and comfort observes Michael Kruppe They al so demand a higher entertainment value This poses new challenges for organisers and venues SNIEC recently installed a new wifi system to ensure the trouble free use of digi tal formats Over two years ago SNIEC start ed a survey among its most important cus tomers on what else it can do to help them with digitalisation Virtually all organisers made it rather clear that they would like to find their own solutions says Kruppe To avoid becoming dependent on us he adds Data protection is another important concern However SNIEC has started to imple ment some digital solutions for its in house operations This includes scheduling and managing heavy goods vehicles during set up and dismantling ensuring considerable time savings while reducing traffic around the exhibition centre In addition construc tion measures such as a refurbishment of several conference rooms and restaurants have further improved the quality level We have also enlisted further caterers and restau rants to ensure more culinary diversity says a pleased Michael Kruppe Meeting activities are also on the rise Es pecially for meetings and conventions cus tomers demand an increasing amount of space at Shanghai New International Expo Centre This was why we started looking in to this topic explains Michael Kruppe We have already started first talks with the local government about the idea of building a mul ti purpose hall Safety and security also play a major role especially in times of a height ened risk of terror attacks Closely coordinat ed with the Shanghai government SNIEC conducts regular training sessions Its securi ty and emergency plans are also being con stantly reviewed and improved www sniec net PB 64 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2017 Hochzeitsdrohnen im Anflug Vom 13 bis 16 Juli öffnet die 32 ChinaWedding Expo im SNIEC ihre Türen Be reits im Februar fand dort die 31 Ausgabe statt Der Veranstalter Shanghai International Exhibition Co SIEC begrüßte dazu rund 650 Aus steller auf einer Bruttofläche von an nähernd 100 000 Quadratmetern 79 000 Besuchereintritte wurden ver zeichnet Die Heiratswilligen sahen unter anderem höherwertige Hoch zeitskleider die eine erstklassige handwerkliche Verarbeitung mit trendigen Designelementen verbin den Individuelle Fotoalben und Fo torahmen zeigten die zunehmende Abkehr von herkömmlichen Design konzepten Außerdem wurden Pro dukte und Hightech Lösungen von führenden chinesischen und interna tionalen Anbietern für Fotografie und Video ausgestellt Sogar High tech kam zum Einsatz In einer Ausstellungs halle wiesen viele Produkte auf den zuneh menden Einsatz von aufkommenden Tech nologien wie Drohnen und Virtual Reality hin Damit bieten sich frisch verheira teten Paaren völlig neuartige und hoch personalisierte Fotoerlebnisse Der Ausstellungsbereich Hochzeits bedarf wurde um Hochzeitsplanung und Raumgestaltung erweitert Das neue Segment bereicherte das Messeangebot mit Spitzenmarken in der Kunst der Raumgestaltung So können angehende Brautleute die Raumästhetik bei ihren Hochzeits feierlichkeiten individuell anpassen Auf der 31 China Wedding Expo wur de auch eine umfassende Palette an preisgünstigen Produkten und Dienstleistungen führender Marken gezeigt Und Die Sponsoren der Ver anstaltung führten eine Vielzahl von begleitenden Vorträgen und Events durch www siec ccpit cn Wedding drones take off From 13 to 16 July the 32nd China Wed ding Expo will open its gates at theSNIEC The 31st edition already took place there in February Hosted by the Shanghai International Exhibition Co SIEC it welcomed 650 exhibitors on a gross floor space of nearly 100 000 square metres and posted 79 000 visitors Wedding fans saw luxury wedding dresses featuring fashion elements that are currently trending in Chi na Individual photo albums and frames in dicated that traditional design concepts are increasingly a thing of the past In addition the event showcased products and high tech solutions by leading Chinese and inter national photography and video providers Even cutting edge technology was featured there In one exhibition hall many products indicated the increasing use of emerging technologies such as UAVs and virtual reality This offers newly weds highly innovative and personalised photography experiences A Wedding Planning and Room Design sec tion was added to the Wedding Supplies Ex po The new segment enriched the trade fair with top notch brands in the art of interior design Hence those wanting to tie the knot can now customise the ven ue to the theme of their wedding cele brations The 31st China Wedding Expo also featured a full range of products and services from the leading brands at af fordable prices And the sponsors of the event also organised a variety of wed ding themed lectures and events www siec ccpit cn INTERNATIONAL Ph ot o S IE C
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