T his month the event venue at Hong Kong International Airport is hosting Critical Communications World CCW from 16 to 18 May which revolves around communication in critical infrastruc tures The particular areas of focus of this the 19th edition of the congress and exhibi tion which is held in different locations and on different continents by rotation are net work optimisation and effective transitioning between networks The TCCA the associa tion organising the event will be welcoming almost 3 500 delegates to AsiaWorld Expo as well as 150 companies The latter will be pre senting themselves in the accompanying ex hibition and exhibiting the very latest tech nology which is also of benefit to public se curity communication facilities and control centres This technology needs some expla nation and consequently there will also be two free seminar programmes at the exhibi tion as well as all the exhibitors In addition there will be two special zones for the pres entation of technologies of the future International events like this are an im portant element in AsiaWorld Expo s strate gy and not just because they enhance its im age Convention visitors tend to spend more than most visitors wherever they go and they don t hold back when it comes to spending Hong Kong dollars Capacity utili sation is good thanks to all the trade fairs and other MICE events held at AsiaWorld Ex po and the venue has recorded double digit growth rates for seven successive years On the other hand these events also bring wel come business to hotels and retailers and thus make a considerable contribution to the local economy AsiaWorld Expo contributes 3 billion euros a year to Hong Kong s economy directly or indirectly calculate its decision makers The island of Lantau where the trade fair centre is located draws particular benefit from this After all over four million visitors a year come to events at AsiaWorld Expo which opened in 2005 The venue accounts for around 9 percent of the island s GDP according to KPMG the auditors This is all the more remarkable when you consider that Lantau is home to Disneyland and the international airport which also generate huge revenues There are also major new developments on the horizon When the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge opens AsiaWorld Expo will attract even more interest This mammoth project will connect a region of around 100 million people Prepa rations have already been made for further expansion at AsiaWorld Expo an adjacent 51 000 square metre site has been earmarked for development If that goes ahead it will do more than just help relieve short term capac ity shortages Further development of the event centre would also create additional jobs for the people of northern Lantau and the north western New Territories www asia world expo com PB 56 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2017 INTERNATIONAL HONG KONG Boost for the local economy International trade fairs and conventions strengthen Hong Kong s reputation At the same time they generate sales for local businesses as the example of AsiaWorld Expo shows Die Messen in der AsiaWorld Expo beflügeln auch die Geschäfte von Hotellerie und Einzelhandel Trade shows held at AsiaWorld Expo also bring business to hotels and retailers Ph ot o A si aW or ld E xp o
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