O nly a few more days to go Then more than 1 000 seed industry profes sionals will gather in Budapest for the World Seed Congress of the Interna tional Seed Federation ISF From 22 to 24 May they will discuss global issues facing their industry at Hungexpo The congress will be flanked by a golf tournament and var ious social events which will take place in special locations in the Hungarian capital Three weeks later in mid June the World of Coffee trade fair will open its gates for three days organised by the Specialty Coffee Asso ciation of Europe SCAE which has a net work of coffee lovers and professionals from more than 90 countries In the bidding process Budapest was able to beat Amster dam and three German competitors points out Hungexpo The World of Coffee will fea ture 150 booths on a total space of 13 000 square metres Around 8 000 visitors are ex pected There will be five competitions where contestants can demonstrate their skills and craftsmanship The angling trade will be in the spotlight at Efttex 2017 from 29 June to 1 July which will also occupy 13 000 square metres Up to 200 exhibitors and around 3 000 profession als will take part There will be a Best New Product showcase where visitors can vote for their favourite products It will also be possible to test the products for which pur pose a 20 metre pool will be set up Efttex is a touring show and has taken place in vari ous countries since 1982 Budapest has al ready served as the host city before the in ternational fishing tackle exhibition already took place there in 2009 And there is anoth er event that will be returning to the Hungar ian metropolis from late August to early Sep tember The European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology was already hosted in Bu dapest 23 years ago There is a good reason for its return to the venue the 60th anniver sary of the Hungarian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology with 1 000 professionals at Hungexpo Apart from these international guest events the Budapest fair company has tradi tionally organised various trade shows of its own since its foundation in 1968 Its events are rather diverse with themes ranging from agriculture to construction from tourism to hunting and sailing Hungexpo says that these events occupy 6 000 to 36 000 square metres with an attendance sometimes even exceeding the 60 000 mark www hungexpo hu PB 36 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2017 INTERNATIONAL HUNGARY Landing the big fish Apart from hosting its own shows Hungexpo the leading national fair company also organises guest events Some major external shows are on the agenda in 2017 Budapest statt Für die neuerliche Gastgeber schaft gibt es einen Grund Anlässlich des 60 Geburtstages von Ungarns Neurophysio logie Gesellschaft treffen sich rund 1 000 Ex perten in der Hungexpo Neben solchen internationalen Gastver anstaltungen organisiert die 1968 gegründe te Budapester Messegesellschaft traditionell diverse Messen in Eigenregie Das Angebot ist recht vielfältig Thematisch werden unter anderem Landwirtschaft Bau Tourismus Ja gen und Segeln bedient Hungexpo rechnet vor dass diese Ereignisse jeweils zwischen 6 000 und 36 000 Quadratmetern belegen und verweist auf Besucherzahlen die mitun ter jenseits der 60 000er Marke liegen www hungexpo hu PB Ph ot o E ft te x An der internationalen Messe für professionellen Angelbedarf Efttex beteiligen sich bis zu 200 Aussteller Up to 200 exhibitors are expected for the international fishing tackle show Efttex
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