He points out that the growing Chinese mid dle class increasingly want a better quality of life in the cities This includes parks and green spaces says Guo The market re search institute Conlumino estimates that sales of gardening and landscaping products in China will total over 300 billion euros in 2018 He also sees huge potential in the e mobility segment where the government is providing strong incentives and regulations NürnbergMesse China already hosts an event in this field the Evi Tech Forum And the SAE congress and trade show is another automo tive event www nuernbergmesse de PB U nd d ar au f s itz t d er k lu ge K op f ww w ki ef er m ie tm oe be l d e De nn in u ns er em ru nd 90 0 M öb el u nd Z ub eh ör um fa ss en de n So rti m en t f in de n Si e ga ra nt ie rt da s Ri ch tig e fü r di e Au ss ta ttu ng Ih re s Ev en ts M ie tb ar a uc h on lin e un d in Ec ht ze it P r o b i e r e n S i e e s a u s 27 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 2 2017 Bayern International rebranded Last year it celebrated its 20th anniversary Since its formation Bayern International hassuccessfully helped small and medium sized businesses from Bavaria enter new markets says Bavarian economics minister Ilse Aigner Bayern International now has a presence world wide with countless projects in emerging markets such as Iran Cuba and South East Asia In January the organisation rebranded its image The new logo demonstrates the strengths of Bayern International A Bavarian company with a dynamic development and global presence that keeps its feet firmly on the ground With the slogan Exploring new mar kets it wants to encourage Bavarian companies to venture abroad with Bayern International The export promoting company offers a wide range of support options for small and medi um sized businesses They include promotional activities such as the foreign trade fair partici pation programme with the Bavaria booth at fairs abroad and delegation trips It now works on around 100 projects a year While the number of foreign trade fair participations was only 18 in 1996 around 50 trade shows abroad have already been added to the programme this year Almost 700 supported trade fair participations have been organised over the last two decades benefiting almost 500 exhibitors in 2016 alone Economics minister Aigner under lines the importance of exports for Bavaria When Bayern International was founded the export quota of the manufacturing industry amounted to 32 per cent It has now achieved a quota of around 52 per cent meaning that every second euro is earned abroad www bayern international de Sind optimistisch für das künftige China Geschäft der NürnbergMesse v l Peter Ottmann Darren Guo und Roland Fleck Optimistic about NürnbergMesse s future business activities in China f t l Peter Ottmann Darren Guo and Roland Fleck Ph ot o N ür nb er gM es se Fr an k Bo xl er
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