T en years ago in 2007 a new era dawned for NürnbergMesse This was when its first international subsidiary was founded in China and four others were to follow suit Having a local presence gives you completely new possibilities to penetrate a market argues Roland Fleck one of two CEOs of NürnbergMesse Back then most Chinese fairs were hosted in Shanghai he adds Hence the decision to found our subsidiary in this impressive me tropolis came rather easy to us He de scribes Shanghai as the perfect gateway to Chinese markets The city is easy to reach and home to many highly specialised indus tries says Fleck Which was ideal for us as an organiser of focused international trade fairs Since then the spotlight has been on themes that are already established in Nuremberg powder and bulk solids Inter national Powder Bulk Solids Processing organic produce Biofach and later die cast ing and craft beer In the anniversary year over 1 200 ex hibitors and up to 60 000 visitors are taking part in trade shows of NürnbergMesse China These excellent figures are the outcome of an intensive cooperation with associations in dustry and event partners Of course close business relations between the Middle King dom and Germany also made a strong con tribution to this success China was already an export nation in the days when Germania was still happy to see a salt merchant Peter Ottmann looks back 2 000 years into the past Today the two nations are among the world s strongest economic powers points out the CEO of NürnbergMesse Trade be tween the two countries has grown im mensely in the last few years Since 2000 German exports to the People s Republic have increased by a factor of eight And Germany and China generated total foreign trade revenues of almost 170 billion euros in 2016 recaps Ottmann On 22 March the day of the anniversary celebrations the weather in Shanghai was rather gloomy unlike the prospects of Nürn bergMesse on the world s largest market in terms of purchasing power The event portfo lio is still growing there From 7 to 9 July the fair company will be staging Greenery Landscaping for the first time in cooperation with the association SLAGTA Shanghai World Expo Convention Exhibition Centre will be in bloom for this event announces Darren Guo We are expecting 200 interna tional exhibitors says the Franconian born managing director of NürnbergMesse China 26 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 2 2017 GERMAN FAIRS ABROAD Decade of success in China Hundreds of guests including former Bavarian premier Günther Beckstein and football coach Felix Magath celebrated with NürnbergMesse Bayerns früherer Ministerpräsident Günther Beckstein besucht mit der NürnbergMesse und Journalisten die Shanghai International Automobile City Bavaria s former prime minister Günther Beckstein visits Shanghai International Automobile City with NürnbergMesse and journalists Ph ot o N ür nb er gM es se Fr an k Bo xl er
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