0123 4 0123 0123 exhibition hall There was a good atmos phere and conversation flowed freely Many visitors stayed with us significantly longer than planned and had really good discus sions with us explains managing director Gerhard Raschke The Memo beer garden may not have been conventional but the approach to product presen tation was subtle and all the more effective for that The structure was created from steel beams PVC floor ing gave the appearance of paving stones and artificial grass was laid The central feature was a high broad deciduous tree with a bench around it Our furniture which was made of a combination of steel and solid wood attracted a lot of inter est says Raschke Many visitors hadn t seen a bar stools or beer garden benches like this before www memo steel de JK PRACTICE Die neuen Modul LightFrames in Halle 3 Der Hingucker waren amorphe leuchtende Decken Figuren Modul s new LightFrames in hall 3 Amorphous figures shone from the ceiling as an eye catching effect Ph ot o M od ul w w w p et er f re se d e
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